Monday, April 30, 2007

Dr. John Ayudtud, with Peace UN

Dr. John Ayudtud represented the Philippines to the Peace United Nations
in 2004. Seen here is Dr. John with His Excellency, Rexhap Meidani, formet president of Albania.
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SuperMinds Systems: The Attrition Principle

The SuperMinds Systems: The Attrition Rate Principle
Dr. John Ayudtud

Attrition is the process of wear and tear when it comes to using a thing. To a person, it’s a test to once endurance and determination. In network marketing, it’s about the ratio of drop-offs.

The word attrition is not commonly said and used, and not very many people know of its meaning. As I looked into it I’m finding out that in almost anything there is the principle of attrition. It’s also a law, since all things go through a wear and tear process.

Death is an attrition principle. When a person dies, he or she has reached a point where he or she has gotten eliminated out of life.

When you changed a car’s tire, you eliminate the tire because it’s no longer trustworthy. Attrition is therefore a fact of life. There is a moment in your life that you just have to stop doing what you have been doing for so many years just because it’s no longer effective and applicable. In other words, such thing is not working for you.

What I would like to discuss here is the attrition principle or process that has to do with emotion. Have you heard people say, “I have enough?”

A good example of an emotional attrition is marriage. Two people in marriage try to make their relationship work. They go through lots of adjustments and compromise. They get and forget, they give and forgive. They stand and understand, or, overstand. They go to counseling to make the relationship really work. But because of the emotional factor that gets the two people in marriage grind up their endurance and stamina now and then and yesterday, today, and tomorrow, so to speak, they get into a point of quitting the whole thing. And so finally, the principle of attrition revealed the true emotional bearing of the husband and the wife and they divorce.

Can a tumultuous relationship salvageable? Yes, only if the two people in relationship recognize the emotional bearing in a relationship. Only if both of them recognize the damage that negative emotions do. The answer is on the awareness factor or principle.

What happens if you are not aware about the havoc that negative emotions bring? You will fight and fight with anyone until you just run out of juice fighting. And then the thing just kills you.

What you and I need to do is to get into mentoring. Mentoring gives you awareness of all that is in you, good or bad. Mentoring will reveal who you are and will teach you how to cope with yourself. The problem with all of us is the trouble that we have inside of us. It’s not the other person that’s coming to you that gives you your personal problem. The problem is you yourself is the problem.

In life, it’s all about awareness. It’s also about scheming and evading, which is the action that you take after you have become aware of the situation.

Mentoring will help you learn and understand the attrition principle. In whatever you do, you need to have awareness, and when you have become aware you will truly now understand what attrition law is doing in your life. Attrition is a law because it happens all the time. But if you have mentoring, you will be able to understand how attrition works in its real raw deal.

For any situation in your life that you want me to help you with, please don’t hesitate to send me an email. The email address is:

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

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THE 3%

It's a fact that the 3% of the world's population controls 97% of the wealth, and 97% of the population works for the 3%. Why I believe this is correct is because it is so obvious and it is what is happening. I even think it's less that 3%. Look at a big company. There may be thousands of people that work there but only one person owns it.

This should tell us that it is not easy to get yourself become a part of the 3%. This also means that out of 100 people only three are rich. Or maybe 1. Or, in some cases, all the 100 are poor.

You will find more rich people in expensive areas, such as Malibu beach, or, Beverly Hills. All the rich live there. But in the poor areas, aside from the fact that there are so many people that live there, no one is rich among them. Most of the people who reside in poor communities are employees. The owners of the company that they work for don't live in their communities.

The 3% rich is simply a fact of human existence. You cannot get angry about it. And you try to become a part of the 3% you will find that it is not easy. In fact, it is very very hard. Many many people, multitude in number, strive to belong to the 3% and they are not successful. With the desire of people to get rich we still find that the rich is still the 3%. Which means that the desirous people do not succeed. We have not broken the ratio. We have not gotten up to even 5%. In fact there are more poor people now than before.

Young people who read this don't really care. In fact only 3% of the people that read this article cares. The 97% doesn't care at all. They don't give any attention to this. Which will mean that the 3% will not still change in the future.

If you are a young man reading this, you might get yourself into thinking that you do not want to belong to the 97%, meaning, you want to be a part of the 3%. But are you qualified? I doubt it. I believe you are a part of the 97%.

You might tell me, "Dr. John, how dare you say that?" Well, you will find out yourself that is extremely hard to belong to the 3%. It is not impossible, but it is very difficult.

Now, I am not saying that you should not become a part of the 3%. It is possible. But again it is extremely difficult.

Those that become a part of the 3% are a special kind of young people. I hope you are a special kind.

If you think you are, I'd like to know you. Why? Because my mission is to help you. I am not a part of the 3%, but I would like to help you become a part of it.

Let me know what you think. Send me an email at

Monday, April 23, 2007

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Welcome to the world of reality

You don't spiritualize existence, you materialize it. Life is already spiritual, so in order to make life known we must materialize it. God is spiritual, we must materialize God in our existence. Space is for creation, there is no possibility to create without space. Space is something that is spiritual, and so you create a meterial in it, in order to make it seen and known.

Yesterday, April 22, was a special day to mark in our calendars. I personally launched Julian Portmentilla as leader of 351 USA and president of SuperMinds Systems, Inc. He made a speech in front of parents and the older generation. Chris Arriola is the General Overseer of the SuperMinds System, Inc. as well as the Press representative for the 351 Media Movement in the U.S.A.

The big day will be June 2, 2007 at the Jersey City State University, where there will be a convergence of the youth organization to be represented in the conference of youth entitled: The Youth Will Have To Do It.