Friday, June 29, 2007



THE NUMBER TO CALL: 605-990-0700, PIN-847573#. TIME- 10:30pm

Plan, Design, And Craft
The future is empty for all of us, meaning, our life being not there in the future yet has not yet occupied a space. Right now we are all what we are, in mind, in body, in status, and in condition. Tomorrow everything can change.

Our life will become as we think the way we think and do the actions that we constantly do. In other words, we just do not become what will later become accidentally. Life is resultant. What we do now will result to what it will be tomorrow. This is true even in the food that you eat, in the thoughts that you think, and in the actions that you do.

Some people don't want to be told. "Just let me alone" is a common reaction of people that do not want to be bothered. They want to do their own thing. They do not want what people think or do. Success, incidentally, needs a pattern and a blueprint. If you want to be successful you have to know what it takes to succeed.

SuperMindsSystems is for young people, ages 17 to 22 years old, who subject themselves to personal development. If you want to become a business owner and desire to succeed and like to see yourself become a millionaire before you reach 30 years old you must be willing to undergo development of yourself. SMS is a membership-based group who does mainly mentoring and fund raising. The mentoring is for personal development, and the fundraising is for raising funds to raise up a capital to start a business.

SuperMindsSystems is only to the selected young people. I select the members to be inducted as dedicated members. The selected members are given ownership of a business that SuperMindsSystems Group puts up. These kids can still be in college but they become business owners as they are being given the privilege and the opportunity to co-own a business.

Success in SuperMindsSystems goes through the process of planning, designing (also organizing) and crafting. This means we plan what we do, we design the plan, and then we do the plan.

To attain success it is important that we have the blueprint of that success. As Mark Victor Hansen, author of "Chicken Soup For The Soul" series, had said, "In order to predict your future you invent it." What we do now is inventing what we want to be. We will be successful because we are now inventing success.

If you have interest to be a part of the SuperMindsSystems Group please send me an email:

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


YOUTH CALL. Guys, SuperMindsSystems YOUTH CALL is sooooooooooooo inspiring. Got a friend you want to be arrested in their thoughts, words, and actions? Plug them in to the call this SATURDAY at 10:30PM. It's a free call but the value of it is over a million dollars. We need to arrest the youth into doing the proper activities. The number to call 605-990-0700, pin 847573#. We will have a millionaire on line. YOUTH NEED TO BE ARRESTED. I don't mean they've got to be arrested in jail. What I mean is they've got to be arrested into doing the proper activities. This is what SuperMindsSystems is all about. We are arresting the 17 to 22 year-olds to do the proper activities so that they will be in line to get success early on in life. Why wait till 40 when you can be rich at 25? Are there not young millionaires? Yes. Are there not young people already doing great things in their late teens and early 20's? Yes.

SuperMindsSystems is arresting the youth to a team that has a system to get them to own businesses at an early age. The goal is to turn the clock around, that is we want the youht to now retire their parents while they are still young enough to enjoy life.

We see parents in their 60s that are still working so hard. Where are their own children? Their children are also hard up and can't help the parents. Why is this? The children had not had the system when they were younger. The children went to college to prepare to go to work all their life.

SuperMindsSystems is turning things around. SMS gets the youth into a membership-based organization, which is the SuperMindsSystems Group and gets them into the systems of becoming business owners. How? Through mentoring, through meetings, through fund raising, through grant collecting and more. We want our college kids graduate to not go get a job. They graduate already owning businesses through SuperMindsSystems.

Why is SuperMindsSystems unique? We are not an organization that promotes a culture, a religion, or a cause. We are an organization that promotes the wellbeing of the members. We do not organize to take care of others. We take care of ourselves. The beneficiary are not the poor that needs help. We are the poor right now, so we help ourselves first. The beneficiary of the efforts of SMS is the members. Later, we will help the poor. Now, we help ourselves. Pardon me if that sounds life so selfish. It's just it's the system right now for us. In other words the youth now will take care of themselves so that they will be able to take care of others later.

The goal of the SuperMindsSystems members is to retire our parents from working and to do that we must be millionaires before we hit 30. To be a millionaire is not really that hard anymore. With so much businesses around and so many banks begging people to get a loan, it's easier these days to get a capital money for to own a business. With fundraising and doing seminar shows, the youth in an organized efforts can build a very attractive bank account that the lending institutions can't help but beg their money to be borrowed.

First business that SuperMindsSystems does is Coffee Shop- New York Jersey Coffee. Haven't you seen one yet? You'll see.

Anyway, if you are interested to become a member please email me: Or, call Julian Pormentilla at 201-893-8738. JP is the president of SuperMindsSystems Group

Friday, June 22, 2007


In picture: the 351 Media Movement's Launching in Manila. These are leaders who attended. Guest speaker was Senator Joey Lina. Commissioner Zony Lerum, Jr. presided. Dr. John E. Ayudtud is the Founding President of 351 Media Movement Foundation, Inc.



Following up to do the thing that has not yet been done before is scientific in nature due to its experimenting actions. The future is empty, it's being filled up by results of the ongoing activities. Time is empty unless you fill it up by tangible ideas. Mental power alone is not capable of materializing a concept, actions that produce the desired results are the main factors in creating a tangible object.

Producing in mass numbers young millionaires in the next 6 to ten years- say, a thousand of them- from among the 17 to 22 year-olds, have never been done before. Occasionally, one or two or three young millionaires in their early 20's happen at random, but not in the hundreds at the same time, simultaneously- from one group.

SuperMindsSystems gathers hundreds or even thousands of 17 to 22 year-olds in a group and fundraise together to get enough money to start a traditional business, e.g. a coffee shop, to be owned by the very members themselves. It's a type of GRACE, similar to the saving grace of God to sinners, which is an unmerited favor, a simple privilege-giving outfit, SuperMindsSystems gives the young members the right to own a particular business. These 17 to 22 year-olds do not have to put in capital money in order to have a right to be an owner of a selected business. They do not have to ask for money from their parents as a capital money so that they can own a business at a young age. All they do is belong. All they do is attend. All they do is qualify for membership. The youth that qualifies for membership will be taken in to belong to a self-money-generating businesses, including network marketing businesses, and they ride in the SuperMindsSystems systems on their way to be a young millionaire in the soonest time.

This technique has never been done before, I don't think. What we do now is following up on this idea that has never been done before. SuperMindsSystems will turn over 100 millionaires in time. SuperMindsSystems will turn the clock around. This time it's the young people that will take over the family's finances. SuperMindsSystems youth members will soon tell their parents: "Mom, Dad, I want you to stop working. You have done so much already for me. Now that I have become a millionaire I am taking over the family's needs and I want you to quit working. I will support you with $5000 a month pension. I will buy you a house and a Mercedez Benz. All you will do from now on is travel and spend your money. I will now pay for all your expenses." How awesome would that be?

Can this thing happen? Let us see. What SuperMindsSystems is doing now is following up on this thing that has not yet been done before. And the possibility of making this a reality is 99.99% doable. And so, for the members of the SuperMindsSystems we have to keep our lungs filled with air and jog or run the distance. We will get there. Soon.

Anyone interested to become a member of SuperMindsSystems, SMS, may send me an email:

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


From Dr. John E. Ayudtud

Saturday youth call: 605-990-0700, pin-847573#. Guest speaker is Sir Lemuel Jones.

A BIG THANK YOU TO MILLIONAIREMALL.COM. Mr. Eliseo Gonzales, owner of sponsored the seminar show dinner, June 19, 2007 at 7:30pm. Ferdie Guevarra, CFO, spoke fervently about the profile of the company.

Commissioner ZG 'Zony' Lerum, Jr., founding chairman of 351 Media Movement Foundation, gave the pins "God At Work" to the "Superminders." Sir Manny Agbanlog, publisher of Filipino Times, was with Commissioner Zony. He is director of the 351 Media Movement Foundation.

Sir Leo Binaday, owner of Mayon Grill, at 569 West Side Ave., along with the former deputy mayor of Jersey City, Ador Equipado, was present. Sir Leo and Sir Ador are advisers to "SuperMindsSystems Group."

Announcement: Next SuperMindsSystems seminar show is July 6, 2007, at 7:30pm in Staten Island, New York.

Sir Lemuel Jones spoke on the subject, Discover Who You Are, and the crowd were spellbound. Crisanto 'Jay' Jorda, seeing and hearing Sir Jones in person for the very first time had this to say: "He is very empowering and eloquent. I haven't heard such a good speaker like him." Julian, before introducing Sir Jones, spoke briefly about his personal dreams and how excited he is that he has SuperMindsSystems to work out his dreams with. Julian is the president of SuperMindsSystems Group and at 19 years old he has posture and prowess of speech. KC, first girl in SMS, brought her friends. There were seven new people that attended, and they were: Rey Asma, Joma Pormentilla, Lirra Tolentino, Alex Yasneski, Christian Angeles, Adedoyin Adeleye, and Ken Reyes. Many members could not make it because of work. Right now we have these following people who are currently exposed and involved to SuperMindsSystems philosophies and concepts:

Julian P, Joma P, Danny F, Carlo DLR, Josh T, Darrel H, Andew Z, Jon T, Christian C, Oliver S, Bing L, KC C, Alexander M, Rey A, Ken R, Lirra T, Alex Y, Christian A, Adedoyin A, Paul S, Markus B, Krystal R, Jessica E, Chris A, Crisanto J.

We have 25 people so far.

Why being in SuperMindsSystems Group is cool? Is SMS a Christian group? Is membership limited only to 17 to 22 years old?

SuperMindsGroup is limited only to 17 to 22 years old. If you're 23, you can no longer become a member. Yet, you may join by taking up the position of consultant.

SMS is not a Christian group. But the members are 100% Christians. A non-Christian can become a member. I define Christian group as church or religion. SMS is not religious. However, SMS is a godly group. SMS is godly in the sense that it practices godliness in the world. In other words, SMS is not a church group. SMS is a "worldly" group but the members are all children of God.

Why it's cool to become a part of SMS is because of mentoring. One of the "Ayudtudized" philosophies taught in SMS is: "Life is good-based, present-based, and development-based."

Another thing why it's cool to join SMS is business ownership. The 17 to 22 years old young people who become members of SuperMindsSystems will be given the opportunity and the privilege to own a business of their own.

The main program is SMS is making the members become millionaires before they hit 30 years of age. That's why it only allows 17 to 22 years old to be members because of the time element in making these young ones become millionaires.

The reason why it aspires to make its members become millionaires is because it wants the members retire their parents or guardians from working.

"We want to turn the clock around," Julian Pormentilla, president of SuperMindsSystems says. "Instead of our parents continuing to support us, we want to turn it around by making ourselves wealthy so that we can support our parents. And we want to make it happen as sooner as possible. Chris Arriola, the SMS vice president said: "We don't want the government system to be the thing that retires our parents. In SuperMinds, we create systems and through these systems we become empowered to own businesses after business and the purpose is to retire our parents while they are still young enough to enjoy travel and entertainment."

This thing is doable. Think. There's $300 trillion dollars in the global economy. One trillion is 1,000 billions. You take one trillion out of $300 trillion, you still have a remaindere of $299 trillion. This tells us that there is so much money in the world, and these monies are in the vaults of thousands of banks everywhere. Out of $1,000 billions, it is possible to get $100 billions. And why not? But $100 billions is so much money. Forget the $100 billions, just aspire for $1 single billion. Now, think. In $1 solitary billion there are $1,000 millions. Can we try to get $100 million dollars? Don't ask why, rather, ask why not? But $100 million is so much already. Why not just get $1 single million? Is this doable? Yes. With a system, yes.

SuperMindsSystems Group is membership-based. We just started. Our projection is to get into millions of members. We want to get the $1 trillion out of $300 trillion. We want to turn over 100 millionaires in the next ten years.

"SuperMinds people are Superdoers people," Julian says.

Anyone interested to become a prospect for membership, please email me at Or, you may call Julian Portmentilla at 201-893-8738.

Monday, June 18, 2007


On June 19, 2007, at 7:30PM, SuperMindsSystems will conduct its first seminar show dubbed as "Discover Who You Are," Lecture. Lemuel Jones Ayudtud is the very special speaker. Pastor Jones is very inspiring and informative. He will explore ideas in your head that are not supposed to be there and replace them with ideas that are supposed to be there. Tickets are sold at $20 per person. Anyone wanting to hear this lecture should call Julian "Juce" Pormentilla at 201-893-8738.

People's attitude is what is responsible of their conditions. Being poor or rich doesn't have to do with money. The financial condition of a person solely depends on his outlook in life, and 97 percent of the population in the world has an outlook that gets them trapped in a job. People see jobs as the way of life. Almost the entire population in the world looks for jobs. So, when there's a thing like a presentation of a seminar to talk about personal improvement they do not pay an attention. If they only knew what a seminar like "Discover Who You Are" do to them, they will exert an effort to attend. But why do they ignore such an important subject? It's because their views on things are on the regular stuffs, which is "a job."

People who attend seminars to know and learn more about life are not your regular guys. People who get attracted to a title like "Discover Who You Are" are the ones who have a different outlook. These are the people who understand that to be more they have to know more. These are the people that are working on their personal developments.

Julian and I registered SuperMindsSystems last week. As we entered the hall going to the business registration office, we were stopped by some guards to be checked and x-rayed. When we left the place about thirty minutes later I pointed out to Julian the guards who were only sitting beside the xray machines. I said, "See those people? Ten years from now they will still be there." Of course, I'm basing my judgment on their present situation. Who knows if they all were just doing it as their second job and their first job has to do with personal development. But you have to agree with me that if that is all that they do day-in and day-out, ten years from now they will still be there.

Will anyone pay attention to this article? Hardly anyone. Except for those who desire to make their lives better. I do not expect anyone, other than the SMS members, who reads this to come to Palace Hotel. I bet you. Even if 10,000 people reads this, not one single person out of this large number will attend. I'd be lucky to get one. Why is that? That's just the way it is. That's the norm.

Yet, I guarantee you, if anyone realized prior to reading this article that something has got to change for him, a ratio of him or her going to the meeting will act up. He may think that it will be worth his while to check this thing out.

But I doubt if someone will have the realization. People are blindly seeing things and, vice versa, seeing things blindly.

With SuperMinders, meaning, the members, this is what they will hear from my mentoring. They have got to get up to become a part of the 3% of the population who rules and dominates the world, in business, in politics, in entertainment, and in education. The rest of the 97% will all die a free-slave.

If you are interested to find more about SuperMindsSystems, please send me an email. Or, call the president: Julian Pormentilla at 201-893-8738.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

THE POWER OF RIGHT HABIT, by Dr. John E. Ayudtud

You guys, don't forget the youth call, Saturday, 10:30PM. Simply dial from your cell phone or landlines 605-990-0700, pin 847573#

Habit is what we do always. Mannerism is a habit, except that some mannerisms are brought about by involuntary muscular disorder. A habit is stronger than mannerism because it generally has a will of its own. Drinking coffee is an example. People who have the habit almost always without thinking about it go to get the coffee. One strong trait with habit is that it is so constraining, you cannot almost stop it. Another strong example is smoking.

We hear the expression: "It's habit forming." What does it mean? It means that many people are already trapped into doing it, and if you start doing the same thing it's almost sure that you will get trapped into it.

A habit is not necessarily bad, so we can say that there is a bad habit and there is a good habit. A good habit builds our life. A bad habit destroys us, needless to say.

An attitude is a little different from habit. Habit is the thing that you like to do, while attitude is the mind behind you doing the habit. For example, if you're careless that is an attitude. Waking up late or in short laziness is a habit. This means that because you are careless you sleep late and you wake up late. Attitude is the mind part of the habit. Habit is the action part.

In our SuperMindsSystems program we make our members become financially successful earlier than later, and we want them to become millionaires because we want them to retire their parents while their parents, or guardians, are still young enough to travel and entertain themselves. Superminders, meaning the members, are 17 to 22 year olds. This means that their mind is still soft, pliable, and can be formed, which means it can be formed to do the right habit. Older people are kind of hardened. I am convinced, as the founder, that I can succeed in molding these young people, and I have already the track record on this.

Of course, members of SuperMindsSystems have habits already, and, mind you, bad habits. My mentoring is going to change their bad habits to good. I am very clear in my instructions to people: I choose the members. Why? Because I choose only those that have the willingness to be developed. Not all young people who see the concept become members. With their attitude they simply qualify or do not qualify. But, no worry, there are thousands of young people out there. I try to get two or three out of ten. I look at the prospects who are genuinely serious to become rich and to retire their parents early. I do not look on race, religion, or educational background as a barrier. What makes me choose them is their attitude. Not habit. It's attitude.

SuperMindsSystems program is quite simple. All they need to get themselves do is get to the youth call and attend our regular meetings. No money is required from them, except the fundraising part. They do not have to work. They can go to school and aim at graduating, and at the same time they can be owners already of a business or businesses that we put up. What I need from them is extreme coachability.

What I am doing in the youth is forming in them the right habit. And the main teaching that I teach is the philosophy of good-based, present-based, and development-based. I teach the members to never answer back their parents rudely. They can reason out but not rudely. But better still, not to reason out. I teach the members to not hate people, and never deem anyone as bad. And I teach them to never become angry.

People are doubters by nature, and so there are those that surmise whether or not this thing will work. The concept of SuperMindsSystems as a group is new. To the rich people who teach their children success they use this concept already. SMS is unique because it takes care of the members. Other groups take care of a culture, a religion, or a cause, and the members are the ones that are exploited. Of course, their members are happy for feeling good about what they do to a cause. They don't care if they don't get anything in return. SMS members do things to benefit themselves. The cause is themselves. They are the very beneficiary of all their efforts. Later on, when they become millionaires, then they will care for the poor. Right now they are the poor. So they care for themselves at the moment. I say, we have a real big chance to succeed. And my mentoring has changed so many lives already.

SMS program is formulating right habits. And, as the mentor, I see that money is the lifeblood of existence, and the very means to acquire the ends. We get close to the means rather than to the ends. Vacation, cars, homes, are very attractive, and they are the ends, yet when you get close to them and you do not have the means, you simply get stranded. How can you get the ends when you do not have the means? In SMS mentoring we work on the means. And money is the means. And our program is to get as much money our hands can get a hold of. Until all of the members become millionaires.

If you are interested to become a member, please send me an email at Or call the president: Julian Pormentilla at 201-893-8738.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Belief is the conscience of the subconcious mind that makes you and I act as per nudging of our desires. Without belief nothing happens within us. Belief is the very glue that attaches us to all our activities. It is a program whereby our lives are being run moment to moment.

It is not on unbelief that we fail, it is on the belief of some untrue notions that makes our lives get stagnated. Why we do not try a new thing is not because we don't believe it won't work, but rather we believed so much on our notions that such thing will not work. So it is not so much on our unbelief on an opportunity, it is more on the belief within us that held us captive for years.

For us to change, we must change our beliefs. It is our beliefs that control us. To achieve a feat in life, we deal first with our belief, not on our unbelief. Our unbelief is the product of our beliefs.

A simple example of this fact is religion. If you are a Catholic and someone tells you that Mormonism is the right religion, what would you do? Would you accept that Mormons is the right religion right away? No! Why? It's because you don't believe it. Why don't you believe it? Your judgment is not based on your unbelief of the Mormons, rather it is based on your belief on the Catholic Church to be the only right church. Can a Catholic get converted to Mormonism? Yes, of course! How? The Catholic is taught to disbelieve his beliefs on the Catholic Church and now taught to believe on the Mormon church.

When it comes to making yourself a millionaire the same belief system applies. Your unbelief in becoming a millionaire lies underneath the belief that you cannot become one. Your beliefs systematized your subconscious mind, and thus influenced all your outlooks. Becoming a millionaire is very attractive and in fact exciting, but do you believe it? You wish! But you cannot believe it not because such a thing is impossible, but rather you have been soaked into a belief that you cannot be. Notice those people that already became a millionaire once and lost it. They get it back again. Why? They have the belief.

Mentoring in SuperMindsSystems, especially to the youth of 17 to 22 years old will establish a belief in the minds of the members that they all will become millionaires. Especially on a system that they all will own businesses and get trained to become entrepreneurs, they will all become millionaires. What does a 17 to 22 year olds have in common? Softness of mind, the tendency to believe anything. And what happens when a 17 to 22 year olds get to believe that they can be rich and can become millionaires? They will become millionaires. Of course, they have to work hard on it. And their beliefs will make them work hard on it.

These young people, outside of SMS, if they are not a member, will still have to work hard for their living to make it in life, anyway. So, why not work hard, inside a system, that will make them a millionaire?

How lucky these 17 to 22 year olds are! Yes, they all are!

SuperMindsSystems is membership-based. The members' capital investment to be considered as owner of a business or businesses as worked out by SMS leadership is in their fundraising. The members, 17 to 22 year olds do not become a member into SMS by applying for membership. They are chosen. No one becomes a member just because he or she wants to be a member.

How do you get chosen?

First, you have to show the interest and must attend regular meetings. Next, you have to be extremely coachable. This means that you have the willingness to get developed. Then, you get chosen to be initiated and inducted. And then you will be included in the list of those that should become owners of the business or businesses.

SMS sorts out the 17 to 22 year olds. If you are 23 and over and would like to participate, you still get trained but you would belong to a different category. SMS will accept everyone to participate. SMS, though, will pick the ones that have the dedication and the interest.

The main philosophy that we teach is based on the "Ayudtudized" philosophies of good-based, present-based, and, development-based.

For people who want to participate, send me an email: Or, call the president of SMS, Julian Pormentilla at number: 201-893-8738.

Saturday, June 9, 2007



Dr. John here. Please do not fail to get into the call tonight, Saturday, at 10:30; number to dial, which is free of charge, 605-990-0700, pin 847573#. Let's be aggressive in inviting, remember superminds group is good-based, present-based, development-based. These three qualities are expected of us from those who watch us perform and grow. Let's be God's tool in inspiring all people.

Dr. John Eblamo Ayudtud
* As infant, dying of a very high fever, my mom put me up on her hands like tossing me to God and prayed, "God, if you will let this child live, I will offer his life to you." And I lived. And now I live to follow that promise.
* In Grade 1, my mom bought me a notebook with a picture of the Statue of Liberty, and purely ignorant of what it was. 23 years later, I climbed that lady in New York.
* At age 30, June 24, 1983, I stepped into the LA International airport, was taken to a restaurant where the waiters sang the Happy Birthday song for me. I took it like it was my moment as being staged up into a worldwide ministry.
*In 2001, January, Jesus Christ appeared to me in San Jose, California, while I was lying down getting ready to go to sleep. He spoke to me very briefly and He let me know that He's has chosen me as the man of God in the new millennium.
* In 2002, January, in New York, God's voice came to me. He said that the world is my university and that all people in the world are my students. That same year, in August, I registered WMGA, Inc. in the Philippines. (
* In 2003, I became an Ambassador of Peace to Israel.
*In 2004, I was guest lecturer, with the British Ambassador to Japan, in the yearly convention of professors in Tokyo. That same year I was published on Shimbun Tokyo newspaper. I became a visiting professor and lecturer in the Institue of Negotiation at Waseda University in Tokyo.
*In 2005 I met the group of Lloyd Luna in Manila, which started my youth movements-,
*In 2007, April 22, I founded SuperMindsSystems, with Julian Juce Pormentilla and Chris Arriola. Guys, send me an email of your pictures and small write ups.
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Friday, June 8, 2007


From Jimmy Miller

No positive change is possible without a leap of faith. There is no guarantee that a new firm will unlock your potential and meet all of your expectations. That, of course, is largely in your hands. Once you find a firm better suited to your personality, practice area interests or career aspirations, the effort, enthusiasm and commitment you bring to that new opportunity will determine your professional future. Inertia is a powerful force, and it takes real effort to overcome the familiar. On the other hand, the momentum that can be unleashed with a new beginning can be profound. Define your goals, face your fears, and take a leap. A year from now, it won't be the same old grind, and the grass may indeed be greener.

Control your destiny or someone else will
Change before you have to
Face reality as it is
Be candid with everyone
Don't manage, lead
If you don't have a competitive edge, don't compete
Commitment is Your Personal Guarantee of a Specific Reality in the Future. It is not a game for bystanders or mere witnesses of events, but rather it is for those who can define events and Make Things Happen.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Guys, Let's be more aggressive!!!

I don't know what happened why in the last issue some of the faces of the team were not seen. Anyway, here is a redo. Our first girl in the team is not in the picture. Her name is KASE. Others not in picture are Christian Corrales, Oliver Solano, Bing Llamas.

You guys, let's be aggressive in inviting. Youth call is a must. We want our youth call to be filled up to capacity. I think our line can accomodate 115 callers. Let's not be slack in ushering our prospects to the youth call. Our guest speaker this Saturday is a good friend to our director, Jimmy Miller. Again, the number to call is 605-990-0700 and pin 847573#. The call is absolutely free of charge. And you can use your cell phone since it's already past 9pm. We start our call at 10:30pm. That is Saturday night.

I'm urging the team members to tell at least 5 new people about the call. We're not only plugging our people into the call for inspiration, but also for exposure to the programs and plans of SuperMindsSystems (SMS).

Also, Jimmy Miller will meet with all the youth in the team this Saturday at 2PM, June 9, at the Holiday Inn in Secaucus. I ask that each one of you bring at least another person, if not two. Since JImmy is also presenting Commex, we can invite as many people as we can.

Do not forget to give me a call, just for me to hear from you. I want you guys to call me for any suggestions or for any question that need to be answered. My number is 201-736-5828. Or send me an email at

Another thing, June 19th, at 7:30PM, it's SuperMindsSystems first seminar show. Pastor Jones will speak on "Discover Who You Are." Those of you who have the sponsor letters, please go around and start getting sponsors for the event. Need to get with Julian if you do not have the sponsorship letters or tickets. Let's get excited. And let's really be hyped up. Dr. John


SuperMinds Jersey City Team:
l2r- Chris A, Danny F, Cris J, Juce, Dr. John, Jon T, Carlo DLR, Josh T, Darrell H. Taken at Mayon Grill, 569 West Side Ave., Jersey Ci
Mr. Jim Rohn, mentor of mentors, had said: "Money without ambition, where are you? A dollar with ambition will make you a millionaire."
Superminds youth group are an ambitious bunch. If you're between 17 to 22 years old and you like Superminds concept but you are unambitious, I will have to tell you that you do not belong here. Of course, we'll allow you to join our meetings but unless you develop an ambition in you to become a great person, then Superminds is not the group you should hang out with. If you are SuperMindsSystems (SMS) member you are a plain super ambitious young person also.
Every member of SuperMindsSystems is required to desire to become a millionaire. And since membership is only open to 17 to 22 years old, we project that before you turn 30 years old you'd have an earning of at least a million dollars every year. SuperMinds youth are trained to think big. The simple question is, "Can any young person, starting at age 17, have a potential to become a millionaire?" "Is it doable?" The answer is "yes" of course. And if it is doable, why not desire it? If it is doable why not become a millionaire? If it can be done, why not do it?
Consider this fact. There's $300 trillion dollars in the global economy. One trillion is 1,000 billions. Say that again with me, one trillion is 1,000 billions. Can you try to get the 100 billion out of the one thousand billions? Forget about the 100 billion, just think about one billion; 100 billions is so much money. Think again, though, one billion is 1,000 millions. Can you get 1oo million? You might say yes. But 100 million is a lot. So, why not try to get a million?
Getting a million doesn't appear very hard, if we go into large numbers.
We are training our youth to become entrepreneurs. SuperMindsSystems of SMS is not going to develop young people to enable them to work after they graduate college. We want SuperMinds youth to graduate college not go to work but to start living a good life as a millionaire. And we want our youth to get into a noble cause to retire their parents and provide them a home to live, a car to drive, and a vacation that allows them to enjoy their time.
The development in SuperMindsSystems mentoring is on making the young person become wealthy. And they will be told that money is plentiful and that each Superminds should become a millionaire.
Reminder to everybody: DON'T FORGET TO PLUD INTO THE YOUTH CALL THIS SATURDAY AT 10:30 pm. The number to call is 605-990-0700, with pin 847573#. Invite your friends to hook up. They will be inspired beyond nature. And they will thank you for letting them come into the call. Don't forget: Saturday till. God is a powerful God. So long, and God bless.

Monday, June 4, 2007


Reminder for the youth call: If you haven't joined in the youth call yet, you need to make an effort to get in. SuperMindsSystems youth call takes place every Saturday night at 10:30. Getting into the youth call is very simple, all you do is use your cell phone to dial the youth call number which is 605-990-0700 and then enter pin 847573#. This call is a free call, so you do not have to worry about charges. Julian Juce Pormentilla is the presider of the call. He is the president of SuperMindsSystems. He is assisted by Cris Arriola, the vice president. Julian is turning out to be a very powerful speaker. At 19 years old, he is doing the proper activities to success. He is, to say the least, very inspiring. Be sure to get into the call this Saturday and invite as many friends as you can.

It's reported that during the time when Abraham Lincoln was the president a young man came to him to ask how a man can achieve success. It is told that Abraham Lincoln told him that if he believed in his heart that he could succeed, then he is already half way. Norman Vincent Peale, author of the best selling book, "The Power Of Positive Thinking," said that "If you believe you can, you can." He added that if you have faith, then that faith is enough.

The problem with today's people is unbelief. It seems like no one believes anything anymore. I have been talking to many people about business opportunities and I get very surprised at their attitude. It is not that they do not understand my presentation. It is not that they do not trust me. It is not that they are doubting the opportunity. It is just because they have lost the ability to believe. People today just do not believe anymore. I was in a meeting where the man talking in the front had us get our pens to write a code in a piece of paper. "The first one to finish first gets my brandnew Mercedez Benz" he told us. The key of the car is in his hand. He asked if we were ready to write the code and we said we were ready. All of us in the room had a pen in hand and all poised to write down the code. Each of us wanted to be the first one to finish. He had us believed that he would give the car away. We all believed because the key was in his hand and the Mercedez Benz is parked outside. Of course, he never gave us the code. Then he said: "You believe that I would give you my car. But do you know that if you signed up to do the business opportunity that you could have as many cars as you want due to the money that you could get in this opportunity?"

It was easier to believe something that is already there. The expectation in the room as this man was talking was that of, "What if he would really give it, then I would lose my chance to get the car?" We want something that is already there and that we do not have to work for. We do not want something that is promised us that is not there yet, especially if we still have to work hard for it. So, if we are told that it is possible that all of us can become a millionaire, we like the idea, and we would like for it to become true, but, the sad thing is, we really do not believe that we all can become a millionaire.

Your biggest problem is not in the fact that to become a millionaire is doable, but it is in the fact that you just do not believe it's going to happen. Deep in your heart you know that there are young people who are becoming wealthy. You do not have any doubt that people can become a millionaire. Your problem is you do not believe that you are the person that will become a millionaire. You could believe other people become a millionaire, but you cannot believe that you can be the one.

With SuperMindsSystems, we are focused on making our members become a millionaire. To make this a possibility, we get into mind-changing lectures that enable our faith to become strong and get into a mold where earning a million dollars is not empossible. In mentoring we are able to conquer our doubts and embrace faith in a more real way. The members of SuperMindsSystems who are only 17 to 22 years old will be developed in such a way that they all will be able to really believe in their heart that it is possible that all of them can become a millionaire. In other words, mentoring will get all of them into a programming mode which will transform their attitude of doubt into the attitude of belief and faith. Once they become transformed into a strong believer, then nothing can stop them.

If you are a young man or woman of age 17 to 22 years old and would like to become a member of the SuperMindsSystems youth group, do not hesitate to send me an email at It only takes a little faith to believe in the SuperMindsSystems philosophy. SMS main goal is to make young people become successful early in life. Why delay success? If young people in their early 20's are becoming millionaires right now as we speak through the internet technology, telecommunication technology, or in the multi-level marketing technology, then why not you? All you need is conquer your doubts and believe. If you can believe that you can, then you can.

What do you lose if you become a member of SMS? Membership is free, and if we find that you have the qualifications, then we will include you to become an owner of a business that SMS is putting up.

Would it not be a grand idea to graduate college and never write a resume to apply for a job just because you already have become a millionaire through the SuperMindsSystems philosophy? Why not join? Why not conquer your doubt? Why not believe? Success in the world is yours for the taking, so take it. I dare you. I challenge you.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


First Picture: Philippine Consul General of New York, Cecille Rebong, is looking at the presentation of the 351 Media Movement. Looking on is Dr. John E. Ayudtud, Founding President of 351 Media Movement.

Second Picture: Philippine former senator, Joey Lina, now president of Manila Hotel. Senator Lina inducted into office the present officers of 351 Media Movement. On the background, middle, is Commissioner of West Orange, New Jersey, Arch't Zosimo Lerum, Jr., the Founding Chairman of the 351 Media Movement.

Note: SuperMindsSystems is the youth counterpart of the 351 Media Movement Foundation.

I'm telling all you young people through this blog that you better do the necessary actions now. With so many things to do and multiple forms of entertainment that you guys could get involved in, you better do the kinds of activities that will sculpt the kind of future you want to have. If you don't do the kinds of activities that will develop you to become financially off and free, you are simply meddling with trivialities that are absolutely nonsense.

Young people are easily trapped into doing what they call "cool stuffs." Hanging out with friends into the nights chatting, playing games, just carrying on to waste the time away would appear the normal thing to do for a young man or a young woman. And you may be doing it harmlessly. Yet, the reality is, time passes by so consistently, and before you know it you had already turned several years older.

You have simply missed it if now at 26 you're working at McDonalds. I'm not saying there's something wrong with working in McDonalds. What I'm saying is you are not supposed to be there at 26. Where were you when you were 18, 19, 20, or 21 years old?

It's been attested in a survey that a young person of 15 who thinks and begins to make efforts toward his or her future will become a millionaire at age 30. But how many 15 year olds are thinking about a future? Hardly. Most teenagers are into hanging out with friends doing lots of silly things. And you might tell me to not divest them of their rightful joys. You might tell me to let them have their time now for when they get old they'll never be young again. Maybe, you have a reasonable philosophy. However, young people who waste their time galivanting around end up getting a very empty future.

Most of the very successful people in the world started fulfilling their dreams at their young age. Their preparation in youth carries them long in success to build lasting wealth and legacies in their old age. If some people are able to manage success in their forties and still make it big in the end, how much more of a young person who get involved in success at a young age? Chances are, the people who get into successes at their 40's in actuality started envisioning that life starting at a young age. Their breaks just happened to be long in coming. If you're 40 now and it's only now that you are getting serious about success, there's a big chance you will not make it. Besides, multitudes of 40 year olds are trapped in a job and cannot see anything better.

Young people should start success at a young age. You start crafting your success at age 16 and by 25 you become a millionaire, chances are at age 30 you do not have to work anymore. What would you do if at age 30 you are earning one million dollars or more a year? What would you do if you have gotten yourself established in business, so much so, that you do not have to be physically present in your business and you still make the money?

There are people who get their break of success when they are 60 years old. This is still awesome, of course. But how many more years that are left for them to enjoy that kind of a lifestyle? But if you can already get away from anything at age 30 and are financially free, how awesome would that be?

SuperMindsSystems, Inc. focuses on a program to develop its members who are 17 to 22 year olds become millionaires before they get the age of 30. It is such an ambitious program. Is it possible to develop a young person between 17 to 22 years old by turning them into entrepreneurs and business owners and get them earn millions of dollars before they turn 30 years old? Mr. Jim Rohn, a legend in business philosophies, finds out in his studies that it takes 6 years for a person to become a millionaire from the time he started his business. In his lectures, he says: "Any six year. 19 to 25, 31 to 37, 45 to 51. Any six years." This translates that a 22 year old SuperMindsSystems member will become a millionaire at age 28.

If you are a young person who is reading this, especially if you are between 17 to 22 years old, I would like to invite you to join SMS group. By joining, you are including yourself to be part of a young millionaire crowd. You ask about the requirements how to become a member of SMS? Please send me an email. My email is I'd be glad to let you in if you have the qualifications.