Monday, June 18, 2007


On June 19, 2007, at 7:30PM, SuperMindsSystems will conduct its first seminar show dubbed as "Discover Who You Are," Lecture. Lemuel Jones Ayudtud is the very special speaker. Pastor Jones is very inspiring and informative. He will explore ideas in your head that are not supposed to be there and replace them with ideas that are supposed to be there. Tickets are sold at $20 per person. Anyone wanting to hear this lecture should call Julian "Juce" Pormentilla at 201-893-8738.

People's attitude is what is responsible of their conditions. Being poor or rich doesn't have to do with money. The financial condition of a person solely depends on his outlook in life, and 97 percent of the population in the world has an outlook that gets them trapped in a job. People see jobs as the way of life. Almost the entire population in the world looks for jobs. So, when there's a thing like a presentation of a seminar to talk about personal improvement they do not pay an attention. If they only knew what a seminar like "Discover Who You Are" do to them, they will exert an effort to attend. But why do they ignore such an important subject? It's because their views on things are on the regular stuffs, which is "a job."

People who attend seminars to know and learn more about life are not your regular guys. People who get attracted to a title like "Discover Who You Are" are the ones who have a different outlook. These are the people who understand that to be more they have to know more. These are the people that are working on their personal developments.

Julian and I registered SuperMindsSystems last week. As we entered the hall going to the business registration office, we were stopped by some guards to be checked and x-rayed. When we left the place about thirty minutes later I pointed out to Julian the guards who were only sitting beside the xray machines. I said, "See those people? Ten years from now they will still be there." Of course, I'm basing my judgment on their present situation. Who knows if they all were just doing it as their second job and their first job has to do with personal development. But you have to agree with me that if that is all that they do day-in and day-out, ten years from now they will still be there.

Will anyone pay attention to this article? Hardly anyone. Except for those who desire to make their lives better. I do not expect anyone, other than the SMS members, who reads this to come to Palace Hotel. I bet you. Even if 10,000 people reads this, not one single person out of this large number will attend. I'd be lucky to get one. Why is that? That's just the way it is. That's the norm.

Yet, I guarantee you, if anyone realized prior to reading this article that something has got to change for him, a ratio of him or her going to the meeting will act up. He may think that it will be worth his while to check this thing out.

But I doubt if someone will have the realization. People are blindly seeing things and, vice versa, seeing things blindly.

With SuperMinders, meaning, the members, this is what they will hear from my mentoring. They have got to get up to become a part of the 3% of the population who rules and dominates the world, in business, in politics, in entertainment, and in education. The rest of the 97% will all die a free-slave.

If you are interested to find more about SuperMindsSystems, please send me an email. Or, call the president: Julian Pormentilla at 201-893-8738.

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