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Plan, Design, And Craft
The future is empty for all of us, meaning, our life being not there in the future yet has not yet occupied a space. Right now we are all what we are, in mind, in body, in status, and in condition. Tomorrow everything can change.
Our life will become as we think the way we think and do the actions that we constantly do. In other words, we just do not become what will later become accidentally. Life is resultant. What we do now will result to what it will be tomorrow. This is true even in the food that you eat, in the thoughts that you think, and in the actions that you do.
Some people don't want to be told. "Just let me alone" is a common reaction of people that do not want to be bothered. They want to do their own thing. They do not want what people think or do. Success, incidentally, needs a pattern and a blueprint. If you want to be successful you have to know what it takes to succeed.
SuperMindsSystems is for young people, ages 17 to 22 years old, who subject themselves to personal development. If you want to become a business owner and desire to succeed and like to see yourself become a millionaire before you reach 30 years old you must be willing to undergo development of yourself. SMS is a membership-based group who does mainly mentoring and fund raising. The mentoring is for personal development, and the fundraising is for raising funds to raise up a capital to start a business.
SuperMindsSystems is only to the selected young people. I select the members to be inducted as dedicated members. The selected members are given ownership of a business that SuperMindsSystems Group puts up. These kids can still be in college but they become business owners as they are being given the privilege and the opportunity to co-own a business.
Success in SuperMindsSystems goes through the process of planning, designing (also organizing) and crafting. This means we plan what we do, we design the plan, and then we do the plan.
To attain success it is important that we have the blueprint of that success. As Mark Victor Hansen, author of "Chicken Soup For The Soul" series, had said, "In order to predict your future you invent it." What we do now is inventing what we want to be. We will be successful because we are now inventing success.
If you have interest to be a part of the SuperMindsSystems Group please send me an email: drjohnayudtud@yahoo.com
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