I don't know what happened why in the last issue some of the faces of the team were not seen. Anyway, here is a redo. Our first girl in the team is not in the picture. Her name is KASE. Others not in picture are Christian Corrales, Oliver Solano, Bing Llamas.
You guys, let's be aggressive in inviting. Youth call is a must. We want our youth call to be filled up to capacity. I think our line can accomodate 115 callers. Let's not be slack in ushering our prospects to the youth call. Our guest speaker this Saturday is a good friend to our director, Jimmy Miller. Again, the number to call is 605-990-0700 and pin 847573#. The call is absolutely free of charge. And you can use your cell phone since it's already past 9pm. We start our call at 10:30pm. That is Saturday night.
I'm urging the team members to tell at least 5 new people about the call. We're not only plugging our people into the call for inspiration, but also for exposure to the programs and plans of SuperMindsSystems (SMS).
Also, Jimmy Miller will meet with all the youth in the team this Saturday at 2PM, June 9, at the Holiday Inn in Secaucus. I ask that each one of you bring at least another person, if not two. Since JImmy is also presenting Commex, we can invite as many people as we can.
Do not forget to give me a call, just for me to hear from you. I want you guys to call me for any suggestions or for any question that need to be answered. My number is 201-736-5828. Or send me an email at drjohnayudtud@yahoo.com.
Another thing, June 19th, at 7:30PM, it's SuperMindsSystems first seminar show. Pastor Jones will speak on "Discover Who You Are." Those of you who have the sponsor letters, please go around and start getting sponsors for the event. Need to get with Julian if you do not have the sponsorship letters or tickets. Let's get excited. And let's really be hyped up. Dr. John
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