Sunday, July 29, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007

Remember to plug in the youth call, Saturday at 10:30PM, 605-990-0700, pin 847573#
No positive change is possible without a leap of faith. There is no guarantee that a new firm will unlock your potential and meet all of your expectations. That, of course, is largely in your hands. Once you find a firm better suited to your personality, practice area interests or career aspirations, the effort, enthusiasm and commitment you bring to that new opportunity will determine your professional future. Inertia is a powerful force, and it takes real effort to overcome the familiar. On the other hand, the momentum that can be unleashed with a new beginning can be profound. Define your goals, face your fears, and take a leap. A year from now, it won't be the same old grind, and the grass may indeed be greener.
Control your destiny or someone else will
Change before you have to
Face reality as it is
Be candid with everyone
Don't manage, lead
If you don't have a competitive edge, don't compete
Commitment is Your Personal Guarantee of a Specific Reality in the Future. It is not a game for bystanders or mere witnesses of events, but rather it is for those who can define events and Make Things Happen.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
In picture: Lloyd Luna, sitting, is seen here autographing his book, "Is There A Job Waiting For You?". This book became bestseller in the National Book Store list in the Philippines. In one of its pages, my picture appears as Lloyd Luna's mentor.
I teach the "PLAN, DO, REVIEW" approach in life. I also include "E.R.O." and that means: Event, Response, Outcome. Life is an event, which solicits for a response. And you can wait for the outcome. I say, "Do not wait for events to happen. You create events." Events that occur in your life may vary, and how you respond to them determines the kind of outcome they yield to you. It's important that you create your own events. And so, it's important that you plan what you want to do, which is an event, and you do that plan. After the doing of your plan, you review everything to see whether or not you are on the right track. No matter how much you plan, and no matter how many plan you will make, if you do not do them, nothing is going to happen.
It is important that you upgrade. You may say, "I will upgrade when I get the money." Yes, I do understand that. You cannot do anything without money. But you cannot get the money if you do not upgrade yourself first. You upgrade your thoughts, you upgrade your belief system, you upgrade your actions, you upgrade your vision, you upgrade your outlook. Then, you will be able to get more money. When that happens, you will be able to upgrade your lifestyle.
Do not be content in what you have now, or in what you are doing right now. If you are content, then you will not change. If you keep on doing what you have been doing for years now, you will keep on getting what you have been getting for many years now. Do not expect that things will drastically change for the better. Chances are, loses have more chances to happen to you than gains or improvements.
But if you upgrade your sight, and you set your aim higher and bigger, then you will get lifted up to a higher places. What you aim for is what you will get. Aim bigger. Aim higher. Upgrade!
What you need is to read a book that will build you up. Go to the seminar that teaches you personal development. Get into a conference call where people discuss about success and business. For example, if you plug in to the SuperMindsSystems youth call, you cannot help yourself but be bolstered and be encouraged.
So many new things in life that we need to know. There are thousands upon thousands of opportunity in the world. There are tons of home-based businesses around. You can easily change your life in the next three or five years if you will just get involved in the activity that has a potential to change you. But if you do not get involved, then you do not have any hope.
To upgrade yourself, you must change your thinking. Learn to be upward spiral. Resist the downward spiral tendency. Do not say, "Life is hard." Your subconscious mind will convince you that it is. Say, "I will make it! I will change my life for the better! I will be rich! I will become a millionaire!" Then, your subconscious mind will convince you that you will become all these.
Be an upward spiral person. Listen to my mentoring every Saturday night on the SuperMindsSystems youth call and you will learn how to be an upward spiral person.
If you are interested to become a member of the SuperMindsSystems, you must be within these age ranges: 17 to 22 years old. However, everybody is welcome to listen to the youth call, even if you are 99 years old. You may email me at drjohnayudtud@yahoo.com if you need more information about SMS. Thanks. This is Dr. John Ayudtud
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Saturday, July 14, 2007

A person who never works and do anything, I mean, never acts on anything, perhaps it's all because he has food to eat and money to spend, will live from childhood to adulthood, will grow to full maturity in the physical form, but will never amount to anything. This kind of a person will only live but will never accomplish anything in life. If there are people like this, I am sure there are not so many of them. Everyone alive has got to do something to live, even though he or she may be very very rich.
Every adult individual is the sum-total of all his activities in his childhood to the present. He is what his thoughts had been, and what his actions were all about. All of us are the some total of all of our activities over the past years up to the present. Why we have not attained such a success that others have attained is because of the kind of activities that we had over the past. If all our actions dealt with successes that added up to this day, we would be blowing up with all kinds of successes today. Why we have not attained success is because we have done poorly in all our activities through the years. Many people are trapped in a poor salary job, and through the years they have simply reaped the result of that poor salary. Many people contented themselves in working a job, never ventured into a profit making activity, and now they are old. Their activities over the past years added up but never built them up to make them wealthy.
I want to interfere in the activities of the young people today because I know that if their actions are not channeled into proper activities that will make them wealthy over the years, they will get old poor and in poverty. I must go to where they are at and sit down with them in discussion about the kinds of activities that they should do. Proper activity is productivity. The youth will not prosper over the years if their activities are not geared into the channel that will produce wealth. I take the initiative to talk to the young people that I meet on a daily basis and get them interested into the SuperMindsSystems so that if they become interested I get them into doing the proper activities that will usher them into the channel where their future has the chances to build much wealth and prosperity. I get them into doing the activities that right now may be little yer over time they will add up and will trigger wealth building materials and the factors to breakthrough wealth and prosperity will be all over the surroundings. In other words, little efforts that are wealth oriented will add up over time and these young people get into the channel where the end result will just be wealth and prosperity. I want these young people to become multi-millionaires and maybe billionaires.
Right now, I am simply on the course. And I will not be moved out of this course. I'm steady and I am being guided by my God on the daily basis. I can say that the young people that get into my program and mentoring are God-sent. I am fulfilling God's plan in my life and that is to be the WMGA, the worldwide man of God's anwers. So, I do not worry nor fret. I keep my activities constant and consistent and well-focused to my goal. Someday soon, this thing will build up. What I do now, though small, will add up and will build up.
If you are a young person that wants to be successful early on in life and would like to participate in the SuperMindsSystems, I want you to send me an email at drjohnayudtud@yahoo.com.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Monday, July 9, 2007

When you don't know how to do a thing, you just do not know how to do it unless you ask. When you don't know where to go, you just do not know where to go unless you ask. And even if you have the idea how to do a thing, still it isn't enough unless you know the details. And this is where the successful differs from the unsuccessful, and that is the former knows of the details and knows how to carry the details into proper procedures and the latter just assume they know but they really don't.
If success is easy, then there will be so many successful people. Yet 97% of the people in the world simply shares 3% of the world's wealth while the 3% of the people in the world owns the 97% percent of the wealth.
If you have been to New York City, you'd see that the city is made up of tall buildings. Can you imagine that if there are three million people roaming the streets in New York City on the daily basis that perhaps the owners of all the buildings in the city may not be among them? How can that be? What is obvious in this city are the tall buildings, and the people are merely inhabitants. With so many buildings that house thousands and thousands of offices and employees, where are the owners?
How can you become a part of the 3% who are owners of the buildings and the businesses around? Chances are, you'd die without owning anything. And you probably don't care. Why? It's because you already know in your heart that it is impossible for you to own one of these buildings.
Watching Ground Zero being worked on to erect again what was known as the World Trade, I see that there is nothing yet to be seen, nothing as of now. Do I expect that the building would rise up in one month time? I'd be crazy if I do. But, believe me, right now, there is a procedure going on in erecting the new World Trade. And for sure, they got plans. And for sure, they follow the plans.
Many of us are simply ignorant and near stupid. For how could we think that we can attain success if we do not know the procedures to get it? There is no way that you can attain success in life unless you know of the procedures. And even if someone gives you a million dollars and you do not know what to do with it, you might end up becoming insane having that money without knowing how to use it. You see, you and I have to know the procedures into knowing what and how to do life to be in the rank of the successful.
The first thing to do therefore is know of the procedures.
It may take a long time to build, but it doesn't matter, if you are on the right track and are doing the proper procedures, you will get there sooner or later. And this is what the mission of SuperMindsSystems youth. That's why we narrow down our membership to 17 to 22 years old because we want to make sure that these youth will learn of the procedures and so they'll attain financial success and freedom before they reach the age of 30 years old. Mr. Jim Rohn, the mentor of all mentors, says that it only takes 6 years. Any six years, if a person engages in a proper business, he or she will become a millionaire.
My mentoring the SuperMindsSystems youth is about learning the procedures. In the beginning we're in the learning process, in the laying on of our plans, in making sure that our programs are right. Later on, and gradually, we will get into building up. Right now, like Ground Zero, there is nothing to be seen. In the near future, SuperMindsSystems, by doing the procedures will begin to build up. Right now, we have several millionaires who are interested to put their investments in us. Someday soon, we will have many more millionaires. And this really excites us.
If you are interested to join SuperMindsSystems, please send me an email at drjohnayudtud@yahoo.com.
Saturday, July 7, 2007

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Sunday, July 1, 2007