Friday, August 17, 2007

Please do not forget to plug in to the SUPERMINDSSYSTEMS YOUTH CALL this Saturday at 10:30 PM, Eastern Standard Time. It's a free call. Dial 605-990-0700, and enter pin: 847573#. Invite your friends. Special guest for the call is Mr. David Bass of Geneva Alabama. You will be so inspired by David. Ernie Land, president of BPI Worldwide may also be in the call. Plug in for inspiration. Plug in for information. Plug in for deliverance. Plug in for the materialization of your dreams.
Money is God's means of supplying the need of the people. It's a concept that got invented somewhere from time immemorial to ease the barter transaction in the olden days. Money was in the form of gold in its original phase, and then it evolved to using silver. Finally, when the banking systems got in place, technocrats of the olden days decided to simply give out a certificate of deposit of silver or gold to people that had to do with the barter transaction. We happened to call that now as trade or business.
Money answereth all things as declares the book of King Solomon in the Bible, Ecc. 10:19. And then in Proverbs 13:22, King Solomon affirmed that the wealth of the heathen is laid for the just. In SuperMindsSystems, we do not only pursue the creation of wealth in order to deliver the poor from poverty, but also we set as a philosophy that success should not be delayed.
With todays very fast movement of the bartering transactions, there should be no reason that young people should acquire wealth the soonest possible time.
SuperMindsSystems is about gathering the youth at ages 17 to 22 for mentoring. What do we aim to accomplish with these age group? To make them millionaires before they reach the age of 30.
If anything, the goal alone drives me to work incessantly to qualify these group of young people.
Qualification is the thing that we do big in our mentoring. To get something out of life you first have to qualify for it. Before you become you must work on the qualification process.
I teach this, and my followers also teach, that the poor are not qualified to be rich. I am not saying that they will not become rich. At the moment the poor are not qualified. Why? It is because there is something wrong with their mindset and behavior. The way that the poor see things disqualify riches. Does this mean that the poor will not change? Of course, they can. But will they? That's the main question. For the poor to become rich they first have to qualify. How do they qualify? They've got to change their thinking, they've got to change their behavior, they've got to change their language. So, right now, if you are one of the poor that falls to this criteria I am dealing with here, you need to get to the qualification process. And SuperMindsSystems is indeed dealing with that qualification big time.
Why the youth? And why the 17 to 22 years old only? It is a project study. It's difficult to mentor the older people. And SMS is not for everybody. I choose the youth. It's almost like what Jesus said to His disciples, "You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you."
Not all the youth have the proper attitude and behavior. Dream is one thing. And the youth are dreamers. Yet, you can dream as much as you want to but if you do not qualify yourself FIRST to fulfilling your dreams then you are nothing. You'd be life someone who dreams to become a doctor and never go to school. So in SuperMindsSystems it's only for the young people who would listen. The main thing with SMS is "Life is good-based, present-based, and development-based." Ayudtudism, as I call my teaching, is premised on a very simple fact: "If you do not die in ten years, you will live. And what will you do if you do not die in ten years?"
I am plugging the SuperMindsSystems youth to opportunities. There are tons of opportunities in the world. Last night, at the Hilton Hotel, Rudy Sario and I attended a presentation on how to sell and make money on the internet. This opportunity is perfect for the youth. There are close to 400,000 people now who are full time selling merchandise through the internet. The youth of SMS will embark into online businesses. This was my main goal why I attended the presentation.
People, we need to get the money. Plug in to the youth call for the informations that you need to get the money. You will hear David Bass of BPI Worldwide talk to you about how to get the money.
If you are interested to become a part of the SuperMindsSystems, do send me an email at drjohnayudtud@yahoo.com.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Life is already difficult enough by just letting it roll on by itself. We feel the grind of life when we push for the materialization of our dreams. At times we experience extreme pressures of negative forces from both sides, one hand pulling us back and the other pushing against us. We feel sandwiched in between struggles and difficulties. In moments like this we feel defeated and hopeless. Some even get the thoughts of suicide as the way out.
Why in the world when you feel in stride looking at your dreams realistically and from nowhere a dream buster hits you in the head? The answer is compellingly simple: your dream buster got busted ahead of you. He's actually pitying you for trying. He's saying, "Are you kindding me, I've been there before and nothing happened!"
Jim Rohn teaches that one of the greatest possibilities in life is the possibility to try. This is so very true. At least you can try. But Charles Givens said, "To say that you have tried and it did not work out is unacceptable." Jim Rohn and Givens are great people. Yes, at least you can try. That's a possibility. But just to merely try is not acceptable. If you want to fly an airplane you cannot just try. If you want to land an airplane you cannot just try. If you want to succeed you cannot just try. Thank God you can try, but do not just try.
Try to succeed, but do not just try. You must succeed. Try to go to the top, but do not just try getting there. You must go to the top.
3% of the people in the world owns 97% of the money. The 97% of the people in the world works for the 3%. Where are you?
Let's start the ratio from the top. The top 10% of the people in the world is doing very well. If you happen to be on the top 10, you are probably a multi-millionaire, if not a billionaire. If you happen to be on the top 20, you are still doing pretty well. But you see, it becomes a pyramid going down. When you see the pyramid, only very few people are on the top. Perhaps, the man on the very top is the richest man in the world. He's probably the Pope of Rome, not Bill Gates. As the pyramid goes down, the people on the downside are thicker. So, if on the top 10% there's a million people, the bottom 10% is maybe 5 billion. You and I are on the bottomest part, otherwise I would not be writing this and you would not be reading.
This is a pity!
Now, here comes your dream buster. He says, "You poor thing, you are wasting your time. Forget all about this dream thing of yours." When you heard this you're pulled down and pushed against. You're in a sandwich. And you feel like killing yourself. Yesterday, you felt you were on the top of the world. Today, you feel like you're in hell. Why? You got hit by a dream buster, and he hit you in the head.
Now, going back to Mr. Rohn's discovery: Can you try? Yes, of course, you can! Then, why not? You will probably answer: "Oh, I was told that I would never make it." But who told you that? Did Warren Buffet tell you that? Did Bill Gates tell you that? Did Rupert Murdoch tell you that? Chances are, a loser told you that. A loser that is well-intentioned. A loser busted your dream because his dream also got busted. While the possibility to try is a big gift from God, you cannot just try. Be it. Succeed! Make it! You cannot just try. Get that plane up in the air. Get that plane landed on your destination.
The reality is, if there's 100 people in your circle of association, 97 of them are dream busters, and a good majority is the expert. Expert in dream busting! Wow! Do you know anyone in your circle who is expert in dream busting? What happens if you listen to them? You will become them. You will also become an expert dream buster. You also go to your friends who moments before showed fire in the eye about their dreams and you say, "Oh, you remember your dream that you told me about?" Your friends will answer and say, "Yeah, we are so on fire, and we are definitely gonna make it!" And you tell them, "Forget about it. It's never gonna happen." And you're friends get busted too. They become like a kind of grass in the Philippines that we call "sleepy grass," that when you touched it it goes to sleep.
You'll do good in life if you watch yourself agains dream busters. Now, they're all well intentioned. They may be a close relative. They show their care. And if you listen to them you will never go up. Read the book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad." You will understand what I am saying here.
Thursday, August 9, 2007

In picture: The Ayudtud Kids, l-r- Chin, Chic, Jones, Juven, Damariz, (Twinkle, the baby, not in picture. She was in St. Louis, MO when this picture was taken.)
Doing things continously over time leads you to a burnout. In the Filipino language we call it: "Nakakasawa." Nakakasawa is the attrition principle in English. To explain it, we come to dislike the things that we used to like, if they're all that we do. If you eat the same food over a period of time, it becomes almost natural that you loathe that kind of food even though in the beginning you liked it so much. This attrition principle is so real and happens all the time. And it happens to all things and to all people.
While there are many lessons that we can learn over the transitions and the changes that almost always naturally happen in our lives, we must also guard ourselves against our own personal attrition rates. Our own personal attrition is so compelling that it will cheat us out of achieving our successes that may already be closer to realization. How many times have we've caught ourselves wanting to quit on what we are doing, which in the beginning we really loved to do it? But the reason why we did not quit was because we knew that we cannot live without it. Feelings of disgust sometimes ruin our joys and ruin our relationship with our family, not to mention our relationship with people in general because we feel like we are no longer excited with life. We oftentimes say, "Oh, if there's just something else that I can do!"
There are things in our life that it's alright to quit on them; however, there are things that are so important that even if we have gotten so tired doing them we cannot stop. No matter how difficult the times, we cannot stop taking care of ourselves. Some jobs require people to wake up very early in the morning. To get up after just a few hours of sleep is so uncomfortable, but what can you do? You cannot not go to work. We cannot quit on our family. We cannot quit on life.
That down syndrome moments in our lives where we felt like nothing good is working in the system that we got plugged in must be guarded against. Most of the things that we easily quit on have to do with our dreams. If someone had told you that life was easy, that person lied to you. If someone did tell you that success is a piece of cake, that someone did not really care about you. You were told a deception in the highest order. So, if you got plugged in to a system that had a promise to materialize your dreams you got to guard against your personal attrition rate. If some people have succeeded, you too could succeed! Why it's not happening to you now is because you are still in the learning process, you are new to the system, and you may have already worked out the system but the system has not yet worked out for you. You should be persistent, you should disregard your emotions, you should keep doing what were required of the system for your attaining the success.
A story is told in the book, "Think And Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill, about a man from Pennsylvania who went to the West during the gold boom era to get his share of the gold. He bought the equipments and dug the place where all signs showed there was much gold in it. He dug and dug but the veins of the gold had stopped. And there was no gold to be seen. He dug more and more. Still there was no sign of gold. Finally, he quit digging. A farmer bought his equipments, and he, distraught, returned home. Then the farmer went back to the hole and dug some more. In just a foot deeper into the hole the gold, much gold, appeared.
There is only one way to become rich in this world and that is to have your own business. Whatever business you are in right now has a promise in the future to make you wealthy. Are you going to be successful right away? No. It takes six years to see success in business. Are you going to have some tough times? Yes. Will you have some moments that you will feel like quitting? Yes. Will there be moments that you will argue in your mind that there could never be another way that you can do to succeed? Yes. So, at that time, it will therefore make a sense for you to quit. The Pennsylvania man thought that there was no gold in the hole he was digging in. It became clear to his mind that the future efforts and investments that he would put in would just be a waste. He convinced himself that he was a failure. But his thoughts were only imagination of failure. The fact was, there was the gold waiting for him to see one more foot deeper. Had he dugged more, he could have found what he dreamed of finding.
You may be engaged in a wealth building process right now as you're reading this. You may be convinced that all is hopeless. If you have seen others succeeded in the same thing that you are doing, this means that the system works. What you have now is the attrition rate principle. This means that you are convincing yourself that this thing is not working for you. You must be saying to yourself that it is only working for other people but not with you. If you convinced yourself that the thing is not really working for you, it will only make sense to yourself that you should quit. But what will happen if you quit? It means that you have quit on your dreams.
Success is never easy. Only 3% of the people in the world go to the top. It's not easy to go to the top.
There's so much personal attrition rate happening in people's emotions. You and I must guard ourselves from being a victim, not of failure but of the attrition rate.
If you will just go on and never quit, you will see that success is waiting for you.
Are you engaged in a business that has a promise of great success ahead of you? Do not quit. Give yourself six years. 80% of that six years is success.
If you are interested to participate in the SuperMindsSystems mentoring, send me an email at drjohnayudtud@yahoo.com.
Saturday, August 4, 2007

Life is good-based, present-based, and development-based. To live a good life you cannot do the bad. Doing the bad will make you bad. If you want to have a good life you must strive to do the good. The good is do not cheat, do not do harm to anyone intentionally, do not destroy someone's reputation, do not get angry, and be forgiving.
Life is also present-based. You can start working for a change by beginning it at the present. You cannot stop doing just because you messed up yesterday or you have to wait for tomorrow when things are better. In this case, there is no past nor tomorrow. There's a saying that goes: "Tomorrow never comes." If you wait for tomorrow, that kind of tomorrow that you are waiting for will never come. Why is that? Because there will always be a tomorrow. You might say, "Oh, this is not the tomorrow that I am looking for where I will begin again." You should not look for the tomorrow or wish that the past will come back again. Life is not tomorrow based but present based. You can only do a thing now. You cannot do it in the past, nor do it in the future. You can only do it now. This means that you can only change your life now, not tomorrow. This means that you can only work on your wealth now. Whatever you want to do there is no other time that you can do it. You can only do it in the present.
The next thing about life is that it is development-based. If you do not have any development, what will you have? You will have the same thing over and over and over again. You can only expect something is going to happen for you if a development is happening in your life. If you are reading a book now that gives you so much ideas about success and about fulfilling your dreams, then you are having a development. Why because the thing that you read from this book will urge you to do something. A building under construction will only get finished if it has development.
If there is no development that is happening in the building it will not get finished. But if there is a constant development that is going inside it, in due time it will get done.
Life is all about the doing of the thing, and the doing of that good thing, and the doing of that good thing now. We call that doing a development. And success is about doing that good thing, the actions that will bring about the development for success, over and over and over again. Have you seen anyone develop some muscles by going to the gym for only once? No. In order for you to have development you must do a thing over and over and over again.
People who work for a job go back to that job over and over and over again. The only thing wrong with this is you just get paid because you are not the owner of the business. You are developing the business of your boss. Five years into your job, you are still the same. You will not get rich, unless you saved some money in that five years and invest that money.
You must have your own development. You must work on your own success. You must invest for your own improvement. While you grow as a person in a job and perhaps become financially sustained, yet you will never become rich because you are not making yourself rich in your job but it is the boss that you are making rich.
It doesn't matter how small you start your own business. The idea is you should own your own business. And there are tons of businesses out there that requires very small capital. The MLM companies allows you to the business with them. They establish the infrastracture, they provide the products, and all you do is advertize the products to your friends. When your friends use the products you get compensated. And so you get other people to do the business with you so that it is not only you who is doing the business. So you grow this way by inviting other people to do the business with you.
In MLM you must look for the people who will understand the concept. Many people do not have the idea about the concept of MLM, so they don't do it. They do it in the beginning then they quit. What is essential in relationship marketing is making people understand what the concept is. And so when they understand what it is and how to work it, they will work it until the end. When you find people who get the understanding, then you will become very successful.
The secret in life is to do what is good, and act on what is required to fulfill your dreams, and then never quit. Just do the thing over and over and over again. You will be surprised what is going to happen with you if you will only keep on doing the thing that has to do with your development. In no time you will become rich and wealthy.
If you are interested to join the SuperMindsSystems, please send me an email to drjohnayudtud@yahoo.com
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