Saturday, August 11, 2007
Life is already difficult enough by just letting it roll on by itself. We feel the grind of life when we push for the materialization of our dreams. At times we experience extreme pressures of negative forces from both sides, one hand pulling us back and the other pushing against us. We feel sandwiched in between struggles and difficulties. In moments like this we feel defeated and hopeless. Some even get the thoughts of suicide as the way out.
Why in the world when you feel in stride looking at your dreams realistically and from nowhere a dream buster hits you in the head? The answer is compellingly simple: your dream buster got busted ahead of you. He's actually pitying you for trying. He's saying, "Are you kindding me, I've been there before and nothing happened!"
Jim Rohn teaches that one of the greatest possibilities in life is the possibility to try. This is so very true. At least you can try. But Charles Givens said, "To say that you have tried and it did not work out is unacceptable." Jim Rohn and Givens are great people. Yes, at least you can try. That's a possibility. But just to merely try is not acceptable. If you want to fly an airplane you cannot just try. If you want to land an airplane you cannot just try. If you want to succeed you cannot just try. Thank God you can try, but do not just try.
Try to succeed, but do not just try. You must succeed. Try to go to the top, but do not just try getting there. You must go to the top.
3% of the people in the world owns 97% of the money. The 97% of the people in the world works for the 3%. Where are you?
Let's start the ratio from the top. The top 10% of the people in the world is doing very well. If you happen to be on the top 10, you are probably a multi-millionaire, if not a billionaire. If you happen to be on the top 20, you are still doing pretty well. But you see, it becomes a pyramid going down. When you see the pyramid, only very few people are on the top. Perhaps, the man on the very top is the richest man in the world. He's probably the Pope of Rome, not Bill Gates. As the pyramid goes down, the people on the downside are thicker. So, if on the top 10% there's a million people, the bottom 10% is maybe 5 billion. You and I are on the bottomest part, otherwise I would not be writing this and you would not be reading.
This is a pity!
Now, here comes your dream buster. He says, "You poor thing, you are wasting your time. Forget all about this dream thing of yours." When you heard this you're pulled down and pushed against. You're in a sandwich. And you feel like killing yourself. Yesterday, you felt you were on the top of the world. Today, you feel like you're in hell. Why? You got hit by a dream buster, and he hit you in the head.
Now, going back to Mr. Rohn's discovery: Can you try? Yes, of course, you can! Then, why not? You will probably answer: "Oh, I was told that I would never make it." But who told you that? Did Warren Buffet tell you that? Did Bill Gates tell you that? Did Rupert Murdoch tell you that? Chances are, a loser told you that. A loser that is well-intentioned. A loser busted your dream because his dream also got busted. While the possibility to try is a big gift from God, you cannot just try. Be it. Succeed! Make it! You cannot just try. Get that plane up in the air. Get that plane landed on your destination.
The reality is, if there's 100 people in your circle of association, 97 of them are dream busters, and a good majority is the expert. Expert in dream busting! Wow! Do you know anyone in your circle who is expert in dream busting? What happens if you listen to them? You will become them. You will also become an expert dream buster. You also go to your friends who moments before showed fire in the eye about their dreams and you say, "Oh, you remember your dream that you told me about?" Your friends will answer and say, "Yeah, we are so on fire, and we are definitely gonna make it!" And you tell them, "Forget about it. It's never gonna happen." And you're friends get busted too. They become like a kind of grass in the Philippines that we call "sleepy grass," that when you touched it it goes to sleep.
You'll do good in life if you watch yourself agains dream busters. Now, they're all well intentioned. They may be a close relative. They show their care. And if you listen to them you will never go up. Read the book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad." You will understand what I am saying here.
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