In picture: The Ayudtud Kids, l-r- Chin, Chic, Jones, Juven, Damariz, (Twinkle, the baby, not in picture. She was in St. Louis, MO when this picture was taken.)
Doing things continously over time leads you to a burnout. In the Filipino language we call it: "Nakakasawa." Nakakasawa is the attrition principle in English. To explain it, we come to dislike the things that we used to like, if they're all that we do. If you eat the same food over a period of time, it becomes almost natural that you loathe that kind of food even though in the beginning you liked it so much. This attrition principle is so real and happens all the time. And it happens to all things and to all people.
While there are many lessons that we can learn over the transitions and the changes that almost always naturally happen in our lives, we must also guard ourselves against our own personal attrition rates. Our own personal attrition is so compelling that it will cheat us out of achieving our successes that may already be closer to realization. How many times have we've caught ourselves wanting to quit on what we are doing, which in the beginning we really loved to do it? But the reason why we did not quit was because we knew that we cannot live without it. Feelings of disgust sometimes ruin our joys and ruin our relationship with our family, not to mention our relationship with people in general because we feel like we are no longer excited with life. We oftentimes say, "Oh, if there's just something else that I can do!"
There are things in our life that it's alright to quit on them; however, there are things that are so important that even if we have gotten so tired doing them we cannot stop. No matter how difficult the times, we cannot stop taking care of ourselves. Some jobs require people to wake up very early in the morning. To get up after just a few hours of sleep is so uncomfortable, but what can you do? You cannot not go to work. We cannot quit on our family. We cannot quit on life.
That down syndrome moments in our lives where we felt like nothing good is working in the system that we got plugged in must be guarded against. Most of the things that we easily quit on have to do with our dreams. If someone had told you that life was easy, that person lied to you. If someone did tell you that success is a piece of cake, that someone did not really care about you. You were told a deception in the highest order. So, if you got plugged in to a system that had a promise to materialize your dreams you got to guard against your personal attrition rate. If some people have succeeded, you too could succeed! Why it's not happening to you now is because you are still in the learning process, you are new to the system, and you may have already worked out the system but the system has not yet worked out for you. You should be persistent, you should disregard your emotions, you should keep doing what were required of the system for your attaining the success.
A story is told in the book, "Think And Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill, about a man from Pennsylvania who went to the West during the gold boom era to get his share of the gold. He bought the equipments and dug the place where all signs showed there was much gold in it. He dug and dug but the veins of the gold had stopped. And there was no gold to be seen. He dug more and more. Still there was no sign of gold. Finally, he quit digging. A farmer bought his equipments, and he, distraught, returned home. Then the farmer went back to the hole and dug some more. In just a foot deeper into the hole the gold, much gold, appeared.
There is only one way to become rich in this world and that is to have your own business. Whatever business you are in right now has a promise in the future to make you wealthy. Are you going to be successful right away? No. It takes six years to see success in business. Are you going to have some tough times? Yes. Will you have some moments that you will feel like quitting? Yes. Will there be moments that you will argue in your mind that there could never be another way that you can do to succeed? Yes. So, at that time, it will therefore make a sense for you to quit. The Pennsylvania man thought that there was no gold in the hole he was digging in. It became clear to his mind that the future efforts and investments that he would put in would just be a waste. He convinced himself that he was a failure. But his thoughts were only imagination of failure. The fact was, there was the gold waiting for him to see one more foot deeper. Had he dugged more, he could have found what he dreamed of finding.
You may be engaged in a wealth building process right now as you're reading this. You may be convinced that all is hopeless. If you have seen others succeeded in the same thing that you are doing, this means that the system works. What you have now is the attrition rate principle. This means that you are convincing yourself that this thing is not working for you. You must be saying to yourself that it is only working for other people but not with you. If you convinced yourself that the thing is not really working for you, it will only make sense to yourself that you should quit. But what will happen if you quit? It means that you have quit on your dreams.
Success is never easy. Only 3% of the people in the world go to the top. It's not easy to go to the top.
There's so much personal attrition rate happening in people's emotions. You and I must guard ourselves from being a victim, not of failure but of the attrition rate.
If you will just go on and never quit, you will see that success is waiting for you.
Are you engaged in a business that has a promise of great success ahead of you? Do not quit. Give yourself six years. 80% of that six years is success.
If you are interested to participate in the SuperMindsSystems mentoring, send me an email at drjohnayudtud@yahoo.com.
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