Saturday, August 4, 2007

Life is good-based, present-based, and development-based. To live a good life you cannot do the bad. Doing the bad will make you bad. If you want to have a good life you must strive to do the good. The good is do not cheat, do not do harm to anyone intentionally, do not destroy someone's reputation, do not get angry, and be forgiving.
Life is also present-based. You can start working for a change by beginning it at the present. You cannot stop doing just because you messed up yesterday or you have to wait for tomorrow when things are better. In this case, there is no past nor tomorrow. There's a saying that goes: "Tomorrow never comes." If you wait for tomorrow, that kind of tomorrow that you are waiting for will never come. Why is that? Because there will always be a tomorrow. You might say, "Oh, this is not the tomorrow that I am looking for where I will begin again." You should not look for the tomorrow or wish that the past will come back again. Life is not tomorrow based but present based. You can only do a thing now. You cannot do it in the past, nor do it in the future. You can only do it now. This means that you can only change your life now, not tomorrow. This means that you can only work on your wealth now. Whatever you want to do there is no other time that you can do it. You can only do it in the present.
The next thing about life is that it is development-based. If you do not have any development, what will you have? You will have the same thing over and over and over again. You can only expect something is going to happen for you if a development is happening in your life. If you are reading a book now that gives you so much ideas about success and about fulfilling your dreams, then you are having a development. Why because the thing that you read from this book will urge you to do something. A building under construction will only get finished if it has development.
If there is no development that is happening in the building it will not get finished. But if there is a constant development that is going inside it, in due time it will get done.
Life is all about the doing of the thing, and the doing of that good thing, and the doing of that good thing now. We call that doing a development. And success is about doing that good thing, the actions that will bring about the development for success, over and over and over again. Have you seen anyone develop some muscles by going to the gym for only once? No. In order for you to have development you must do a thing over and over and over again.
People who work for a job go back to that job over and over and over again. The only thing wrong with this is you just get paid because you are not the owner of the business. You are developing the business of your boss. Five years into your job, you are still the same. You will not get rich, unless you saved some money in that five years and invest that money.
You must have your own development. You must work on your own success. You must invest for your own improvement. While you grow as a person in a job and perhaps become financially sustained, yet you will never become rich because you are not making yourself rich in your job but it is the boss that you are making rich.
It doesn't matter how small you start your own business. The idea is you should own your own business. And there are tons of businesses out there that requires very small capital. The MLM companies allows you to the business with them. They establish the infrastracture, they provide the products, and all you do is advertize the products to your friends. When your friends use the products you get compensated. And so you get other people to do the business with you so that it is not only you who is doing the business. So you grow this way by inviting other people to do the business with you.
In MLM you must look for the people who will understand the concept. Many people do not have the idea about the concept of MLM, so they don't do it. They do it in the beginning then they quit. What is essential in relationship marketing is making people understand what the concept is. And so when they understand what it is and how to work it, they will work it until the end. When you find people who get the understanding, then you will become very successful.
The secret in life is to do what is good, and act on what is required to fulfill your dreams, and then never quit. Just do the thing over and over and over again. You will be surprised what is going to happen with you if you will only keep on doing the thing that has to do with your development. In no time you will become rich and wealthy.
If you are interested to join the SuperMindsSystems, please send me an email to drjohnayudtud@yahoo.com
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