(Note: Do not forget to plug in to the youth call Saturday night, 10:30PM. The number to call is 605-990-0700, and the pin to log in is 847573#. Please invite your friends to tune in. Be a blesser and not just the blessed. Initiate. Put forth effort to inspire others.)
Living in the world is all about survival. In fact, when a relative dies the obituary always reads, "as survived by." All of us living now are survivors. Of course, we survived through our personal trials and tribulations. However, the true question is: "Are we just here for the sake of survival?" No! We're here in the world to live a good life, to live a pleasant life, and to live a life that's filled with love and harmony. Yet, this doesn't come by not doing anything. This doesn't come easy.
There are things to do in life. Once we do the right things we get right results. Big results do not come quickly. To be successful is to do the right things and to be patient while doing the right things. Doing the right things and obtaining a big result in life is quite simple. All you need to do is do what you can do consistently over time. You do not have to do big things to obtain big things in life. You can do small things, little by little, and these build up over time. You must have patience. Patience is truly a virtue. You cannot harvest right away. Whatever you plant you cannot harvest on the following day. Harvest takes time. It comes in due time.
Be sure what you are doing is according to the law of nature. For example, to harvest you must plant first. Be sure that what you are doing now is the right thing. This means that if you want to earn more money in the long run you must do the thing that has the potential to give you more money later on.
If you are only working in a job, do you think that after working in that job for ten years your salary will become doubled or tripled? For example, if you are getting 20$ per hour now, do you see yourself getting paid $50 per hour after working in that same company for ten years?
If you think that your $20 per hour now will only become $30 per hour after ten years, I must tell you that that is not a lot.
That's why working in a job is a poor way of figuring out big success in life. Some jobs mean "just over broke."
What you must do is not to think only of surviving. Working for salary is merely thinking about survival. It's a poor way of living a life. You must get into business. Remember: Profits are better than wages. Wages will make you a living, but profits will make you a fortune. To get profits is to be in business.
People do not know the power of a home-based business because they are ignorant of the concept. Many people frown on network marketing. They do not know what the concept is. They haven't studied what network marketing truly is.
Anyway, you have to make a choice. Do not live a life only in survival mode. You must get into a system that will give you time and money together. And that system is the business system. But traditional businesses require a huge investment. In the home-based business the capital is very minimal.
I suggest that you look into the concept of network marketing. If you do not get into some kind of business, you will always be in a survival mode.
If you want to join the SuperMindsSystems, please send me an email at drjohnayudtud@yahoo.com. Or you may call my cell number at 201-736-5828.
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