Don't fail to join in the youth call this Saturday, where Mr. Jim Miller, president of Commex Digital Solutions, of Boston Massachussets, is guest speaker. Jim is also director of SuperMindsSystems, Inc. The number to dial is 605-990-0700, pin 847573#.
The SuperMindsSystems(SMS) youth call lasts not more than one hour. The call consists of welcome message from president of SMS, Julian "Juce" Pormentilla, and a short greeting from Cris Arriola, SMS vice-president. Then Julian introduces me. I talk about 10 minutes and then I introduce the guest speaker. After the guest speaker talks about 25 minutes I come in again and wrap it up for about 10 minutes and Julian closes it.
This call is designed for the youth, specifically for ages 17 to 22 years old. The purpose of the call is to incite these young people to believe that they can become successful early in their life rather than later. The other purpose of the call is to sort who among them can be selected to become members of the SuperMindsSystems/351 Media. Membership in this prestigious organization is not by choice of the interested young people. I select the ones that I see qualify for our high standard.
The call speaks about success for the young people, developing them to become young millionaires, giving them ownership of a business or businesses in their young age. My motive is to produce young people who will retire their parents from working while they are still able to enjoy travel and entertainment. The goal of SuperMindsSystems is to make its members become millionaires before they reach 30 years old.
The main activities of SMS is mentoring the active mind of the young. The goal is to produce young millionaires. Can it be done? Yes. Definitely. There are many young millionaires in the world today. How are we able to do this? By establishing businesses to be owned by the young members of SMS. And how will we get the funds? SMS is membership-based. All the members will raise the funds. And how do we raise the funds? The strategies are told only in the meetings of members.
SMS differs from other organizations. Most organizations promote a culture or a cause. SMS uses a culture or a philosophy to promote the very cause of the members, and that is to make everyone an entrepreneur and business owners.
If you want to know more about the philosophies of SMS, I urge you to plug into the call. I hope to see you there. Dr. John Ayudtud. email: drjohnayudtud@yahoo.com
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