Wednesday, May 2, 2007

SuperMinds Systems Inc. Youth Call

Our youth call last Monday at 10:30PM Est at 402-756-9100, pin 312343#, went smooth and well with Julian "Juce" Pormentilla as presider.

I was not sure how many young people plugged in but it sounded, according to the call's indicator, that there were at least more than 10 young people in it. To me that was so exciting because my dream of working on the youth is coming true literally.

Julian, Cris Arreola, and I agreed to have another call this Saturday, May 5, at 10:30PM where we will invite young people from all over the USA to plug in. We expect to get around 30 young people to be joining and we will have my daughter, Anna Marie Dorelien, to be guest speaker. Anna Marie is a usual speaker to the young people, with an ongoing Master's for molding children's behavior.

SuperMinds Systems, Inc. is a venture that develops the young people's active mind. It is a corporation that assists young entrepreneurs get a footing into the real business world. My goal as the founder is to turnover young people become millionaires at early ages. I am mentoring teenagers from 16 years old and up, and I envision them become millionaires at ages 22 or 23, or around these ages. My philosophy is life is good-based, present-based, and development-based. So the young people that get into my mentoring will get into the mold of goodness and properness. No one experiences a good life by being bad. We only experience the good life if we are good. I teach to not hate anybody. I teach about scheming and evading. This is the fact of life. You scheme through life, and you evade situations and conditions that are not good and healthy to your well being. The main scenario in life is arranged on these three facts: existence, money, and love. Existence is number one, and to support that existence we have to have money, and then to live a life with money we must practive love. What is the evidence that you and I have love? Care is the evidence of love. When you care you will never fail. Care is the flower of love, and so when you care, then, you will never fail.

The idea of my mentoring is to create a center where we will all gravitate around. Inspiration is number one in life. Mr. Jim Rohn, a great philosopher, said, "Seek to be inspired and then seek to inspire." And I created this mentoring with inspiring the young people as my number one goal. Then, my second goal is to teach them my philosophies.

I invite all of you to join the SuperMinds Systems, Inc. youth call this Saturday at 10:30PM. Julian Pormentilla, the president of the SuperMinds Systems, Inc. will again preside and also make a short talk of inspiration.

You may visit my JASE Lectures and WMGA website at

See you on the call.

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