In Picture: Manny Lumba and Zonny Lerum, the originators of the 351 Media concept, with (on the background) the three youth leaders of the 351 Media Movement in the Philippines- Lloyd Luna, Choy Gonzales, and Ian Barcelona. Manny Lumba was the concept-owner of Jollibee Foods in the Philippines, the brain behind the popular Jollibee Mascot, and the inventor of the famous "Chickenjoy," Jollibee's main entries. Dr. John Ayudtud was the man behind the partnership of both Zonny Lerum, the man responsible in bringing to the Filipino-Americans the dual citizenship act, and Manny Lumba.
The youth call last night, Saturday, May 25, 2007, was successfully attended by many young people from around New Jersey and New York area. It is not clear yet how many attended from out of state. Mr. James Miller, president of the Commex Digital Solutions of Boston, Massachussets, was excellent in sharing his secrets of success to the audience. He was very inspirational to say the least. Jim is the first company president who's involved with SuperMindsSystems, Inc. and the 351 Media Movement. I would like to commend Julian "Juce" Pormentilla for handling the call in an excellent manner. Julian is the president of the SuperMindsSystems, Inc. and the youth director of the 351 Media Movement.
We target exclusively the young people from ages 17 to 22 to be part of the SuperMindsSystems, Inc. The goal of SMS is to make young millionaires before the reach the age of 30 years old. I am expecting the members of SMS realize their first millions before their 25th year birthday. There are many young millionaires today who are only in their 20's and many of them realize their millions through hard work. You have to admit that no one becomes a millionaire by working in a job. One can only become rich by being in business. The main strategy that the SMS will have in turning out young millionaires is through entrepreneurship- meaning SMS members will get into business ownership and ventures.
SuperMindsSystems will do a thing that perhaps has never been done before. I desire to see young people retire their parents at their young age. I desire young people to never write a resume for a job interview when they finish college. I want to see the newly graduates start living their dreams already just because they have become rich through the SuperMindsSystems methodology and strategy. How can a college student become wealthy while studying through college? SuperMindsSystems will get into businessess to be owned by them while they are still in college. Can this be done? WHY NOT? If you have the money, you may do anything. If you have the money, you can go to college and at the same time own a business.
SuperMindsSystems is unique. It is a membership-based body of young members whose objective is not to promote a culture or a philosophy, or a church, or an ideology. Although I mentor the young members with JASE Lectures and other personal philosophies, my goal is not to promote my philosophies but to instead promote the members who are the beneficiaries of these philosophies. In other words, SMS is not going to exploit the members to enrich a culture, a cause, or the leader, but SMS will enrich the very members of the group. We make sure that the people that belong to the group will become successful in finances and in proper behavior. The main philosophy that our members will learn is: life is good-based, present-based, and development-based. I call all these as GOD-based. I am very big in teaching about godliness in the world, not godliness in the church. (Christianity is not the answer. It's the Christians in Christianity, who are in the world, who are the answer.)
SMS members will have one common thing, and that is the philosophy of hard work. I teach the SMS members to work very hard within ten years. Chances are, if all of us work very hard for ten years in a business enterprise, (not in a job) we will become very successful. So, if an SMS member begins to work hard at age 20, when he reaches 30 years old he'll become very successful and he would not have to worry about anything all the rest of his life, that is if he continues to live in the proper philosophies that I teach.
Membership in SMS is not by application but by induction and initiation. I choose the young people who I think are deserving. The number one qualification of membership is being extremely coachable. I need people who want to be develop. Young people that are arrogant in attitude cannot become a member. You can be proud but not arrogant. We are looking for young people who will help make SMS a success in the far future. So, any attitude that will hinder our success will not be tolerated.
I dedicate my life to the young. This thing is not about me but about them. When they all become millionaires I will not be able to get the millions away from them. They will own their businesses and their millions. So, I want you to understand, that it is not about my philosophies, rather it is about you becoming successful in life.
Membership in SMS is not for everyone. We sort the people, and we decide and who can become a part of SMS. And membership is free. But we want every member to engage in hard work and dedication to their success.
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