From Dr. John E. AyudtudSaturday youth call: 605-990-0700, pin-847573#. Guest speaker is Sir Lemuel Jones.
A BIG THANK YOU TO MILLIONAIREMALL.COM. Mr. Eliseo Gonzales, owner of sponsored the seminar show dinner, June 19, 2007 at 7:30pm. Ferdie Guevarra, CFO, spoke fervently about the profile of the company.
Commissioner ZG 'Zony' Lerum, Jr., founding chairman of 351 Media Movement Foundation, gave the pins "God At Work" to the "Superminders." Sir Manny Agbanlog, publisher of Filipino Times, was with Commissioner Zony. He is director of the 351 Media Movement Foundation.
Sir Leo Binaday, owner of Mayon Grill, at 569 West Side Ave., along with the former deputy mayor of Jersey City, Ador Equipado, was present. Sir Leo and Sir Ador are advisers to "SuperMindsSystems Group."
Announcement: Next SuperMindsSystems seminar show is July 6, 2007, at 7:30pm in Staten Island, New York.
Sir Lemuel Jones spoke on the subject, Discover Who You Are, and the crowd were spellbound. Crisanto 'Jay' Jorda, seeing and hearing Sir Jones in person for the very first time had this to say: "He is very empowering and eloquent. I haven't heard such a good speaker like him." Julian, before introducing Sir Jones, spoke briefly about his personal dreams and how excited he is that he has SuperMindsSystems to work out his dreams with. Julian is the president of SuperMindsSystems Group and at 19 years old he has posture and prowess of speech. KC, first girl in SMS, brought her friends. There were seven new people that attended, and they were: Rey Asma, Joma Pormentilla, Lirra Tolentino, Alex Yasneski, Christian Angeles, Adedoyin Adeleye, and Ken Reyes. Many members could not make it because of work. Right now we have these following people who are currently exposed and involved to SuperMindsSystems philosophies and concepts:
Julian P, Joma P, Danny F, Carlo DLR, Josh T, Darrel H, Andew Z, Jon T, Christian C, Oliver S, Bing L, KC C, Alexander M, Rey A, Ken R, Lirra T, Alex Y, Christian A, Adedoyin A, Paul S, Markus B, Krystal R, Jessica E, Chris A, Crisanto J.
We have 25 people so far.

Why being in SuperMindsSystems Group is cool? Is SMS a Christian group? Is membership limited only to 17 to 22 years old?
SuperMindsGroup is limited only to 17 to 22 years old. If you're 23, you can no longer become a member. Yet, you may join by taking up the position of consultant.
SMS is not a Christian group. But the members are 100% Christians. A non-Christian can become a member. I define Christian group as church or religion. SMS is not religious. However, SMS is a godly group. SMS is godly in the sense that it practices godliness in the world. In other words, SMS is not a church group. SMS is a "worldly" group but the members are all children of God.
Why it's cool to become a part of SMS is because of mentoring. One of the "Ayudtudized" philosophies taught in SMS is: "Life is good-based, present-based, and development-based."
Another thing why it's cool to join SMS is business ownership. The 17 to 22 years old young people who become members of SuperMindsSystems will be given the opportunity and the privilege to own a business of their own.
The main program is SMS is making the members become millionaires before they hit 30 years of age. That's why it only allows 17 to 22 years old to be members because of the time element in making these young ones become millionaires.
The reason why it aspires to make its members become millionaires is because it wants the members retire their parents or guardians from working.
"We want to turn the clock around," Julian Pormentilla, president of SuperMindsSystems says. "Instead of our parents continuing to support us, we want to turn it around by making ourselves wealthy so that we can support our parents. And we want to make it happen as sooner as possible. Chris Arriola, the SMS vice president said: "We don't want the government system to be the thing that retires our parents. In SuperMinds, we create systems and through these systems we become empowered to own businesses after business and the purpose is to retire our parents while they are still young enough to enjoy travel and entertainment."
This thing is doable. Think. There's $300 trillion dollars in the global economy. One trillion is 1,000 billions. You take one trillion out of $300 trillion, you still have a remaindere of $299 trillion. This tells us that there is so much money in the world, and these monies are in the vaults of thousands of banks everywhere. Out of $1,000 billions, it is possible to get $100 billions. And why not? But $100 billions is so much money. Forget the $100 billions, just aspire for $1 single billion. Now, think. In $1 solitary billion there are $1,000 millions. Can we try to get $100 million dollars? Don't ask why, rather, ask why not? But $100 million is so much already. Why not just get $1 single million? Is this doable? Yes. With a system, yes.
SuperMindsSystems Group is membership-based. We just started. Our projection is to get into millions of members. We want to get the $1 trillion out of $300 trillion. We want to turn over 100 millionaires in the next ten years.
"SuperMinds people are Superdoers people," Julian says.
Anyone interested to become a prospect for membership, please email me at Or, you may call Julian Portmentilla at 201-893-8738.