Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

There's only one way to live life and that is to be aggressive and good-based. If you take life casually you will become a casualty.
Recently, I received an email quoting a German national who thought that the NAZIs during Hitler's Germany was some fools and harmless. He was caught in a huge surprise that in not a very long time the Nazis had owned Germany and owned the businesses. What followed was the butchering of the 6 million Jews. Although the NAZIs were not the majority in the beginning they won because of their aggressiveness. The rest of Germany lost because of their passiveness. The email is pointing out the great fact that today's fanatic Muslims that pursue terroristic attacks are the minority. But they are aggressive. If we will not do something about it, one day we will wake up under their dominion and plunder and then lose our Christian faith. Therefore we Christians cannot not be aggressive.
I am a follower of the philosophy of individualism which I started 27 years ago. People have got to individualize, and not be individualistic. I believe that life is so personalized and there is nothing you can do to change an individual if that individual does not want to change. Everyone of us makes our own mind. Everyone is literally an individual on his or her own right.
While some people may think that individualism is a selfish posture, what remains in the dispositional capabilities of man is that he or she will live his/her life until the end by himself/herself. Corporately speaking we live with our families, but individually speaking we all live alone by ourselves.
For this reason, we must all summon our personal resources to be aggressive. We cannot not be aggressive. To maximize our existence we must be aggressive. If you are passive you must wake up from your slumber. Get up and get employed by dreamers, if you have failed to design your own dreaming. If you are passive people will pass you by, even those who are much younger than you. Passive people die without experiencing their life.
What is the secret to success? I asked my friend, Paul Verzosa, this question. His answer jolted me. I asked why in network marketing some people go to the top in the fastest time. He said, "It's like politics, if you run for councilor, you do not have to shake hands with so many people. If you run for mayor you have to shake hands with more people. If you run for congress, you must shake hands with a lot more people. And if you run for president, then you should really be aggressive in shaking hands with so very many people. It's the same thing in network marketing. You need to talk to many people if you want to get to the top."
I teach in my JASE Lectures that in life it is all about scheming and evading. Just like in playing basketball you must scheme through the opponents' guarding strategy and you must evade the coming onslaught of attack. My philosophy is very controversial and certaily unique, it's almost not Christian. But that is how one should live his life, be aggressive and be good. How can you be good and aggressive at the same time? Yes, you can, if you are a true Christian. Why you have to be aggressive is because if you do not become one, you will not become the great leader that God wants you to be, in business, in politics, and even in religion. I call that philosophy in tagalog, "Utakan, Iwasan."
Friday, September 21, 2007

As the first management consultant for the Tan family’s business, Manny invented the brandnames “Jollibee”, "Chickenjoy," "Yumburger," and conceptualized the Jollibee mascot, a bee with human attributes. He won their approval to re-configure and transform their business from an ice cream parlor to a hamburger chain.
Many years ago, Manny was reading his young daughter’s comic books when he conceptualized the Jollibee mascot. Since Manny could not draw, he engaged Jimmy and Oggie of Marc Advertising to flesh out in cartoonized graphics the concept of a bee on his mind. He instructed them in detail how the cartoon character would look---chef’s hat, white gloves, round head, sparkling eyes, red dinner jacket with vest, wings and all. He used the bee in his first Jollibee tv blockbuster commercial which told in animated cartoon of a king who got so sick he couldn’t eat for loss of appetite. When hope seemed all but gone, Jollibee flew into his palace and brought him "yumburger." This brought him back to health to the delight and relief of his subjects. The tv commercial was also Manny’s own original.
Now from humble beginnings, Jollibee has become a multinational company, the number one fastfood chain in the Philippines , beating MacDonalds. Thanks in part to Manny Lumba, for making the initial long term growth and development as well as marketing strategies, including the development and integration of a Jollibee corporate culture, a far cry from the mom-and-pop operation that the company once was.
To this accolade, Manny says “I was a small cog in the Jollibee machine. Tony Tan made it happen. A few years ago, Tony Tan won the much-coveted Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
Ultimately of course, for something as good as this, God must have been behind us more than any one realized.”
Friday, September 14, 2007
Be There To Inspire

Saturday, September 8, 2007

(Note: Do not forget to plug in to the youth call Saturday night, 10:30PM. The number to call is 605-990-0700, and the pin to log in is 847573#. Please invite your friends to tune in. Be a blesser and not just the blessed. Initiate. Put forth effort to inspire others.)
Living in the world is all about survival. In fact, when a relative dies the obituary always reads, "as survived by." All of us living now are survivors. Of course, we survived through our personal trials and tribulations. However, the true question is: "Are we just here for the sake of survival?" No! We're here in the world to live a good life, to live a pleasant life, and to live a life that's filled with love and harmony. Yet, this doesn't come by not doing anything. This doesn't come easy.
There are things to do in life. Once we do the right things we get right results. Big results do not come quickly. To be successful is to do the right things and to be patient while doing the right things. Doing the right things and obtaining a big result in life is quite simple. All you need to do is do what you can do consistently over time. You do not have to do big things to obtain big things in life. You can do small things, little by little, and these build up over time. You must have patience. Patience is truly a virtue. You cannot harvest right away. Whatever you plant you cannot harvest on the following day. Harvest takes time. It comes in due time.
Be sure what you are doing is according to the law of nature. For example, to harvest you must plant first. Be sure that what you are doing now is the right thing. This means that if you want to earn more money in the long run you must do the thing that has the potential to give you more money later on.
If you are only working in a job, do you think that after working in that job for ten years your salary will become doubled or tripled? For example, if you are getting 20$ per hour now, do you see yourself getting paid $50 per hour after working in that same company for ten years?
If you think that your $20 per hour now will only become $30 per hour after ten years, I must tell you that that is not a lot.
That's why working in a job is a poor way of figuring out big success in life. Some jobs mean "just over broke."
What you must do is not to think only of surviving. Working for salary is merely thinking about survival. It's a poor way of living a life. You must get into business. Remember: Profits are better than wages. Wages will make you a living, but profits will make you a fortune. To get profits is to be in business.
People do not know the power of a home-based business because they are ignorant of the concept. Many people frown on network marketing. They do not know what the concept is. They haven't studied what network marketing truly is.
Anyway, you have to make a choice. Do not live a life only in survival mode. You must get into a system that will give you time and money together. And that system is the business system. But traditional businesses require a huge investment. In the home-based business the capital is very minimal.
I suggest that you look into the concept of network marketing. If you do not get into some kind of business, you will always be in a survival mode.
If you want to join the SuperMindsSystems, please send me an email at Or you may call my cell number at 201-736-5828.
Monday, September 3, 2007

True success is long term. The problem is not very many of us think long term. And thinking long term is not just about thinking about it. There is a make up involved, which means that you have to work on it if you want to be able to work on long term success.
I have been talking to a store clerk named Mendis from the corner of our house here in Staten Island, New York. I presented to him a business I am involved with that is done only through network marketing, which we term as relationship marketing. I wanted Mendis to have a one on one meeting with me so that he will get a grasp of the concept. He said, "Yes, Dr. John, I am really interested and I must see the presentation. But I seem not to have any time at all." I simply said, "What you need is to compare what you are doing here in the store with what I am doing. I do not work on a regular job and I make money, and I have been doing this for quite a while now. All you need is understand the concept of network marketing."
You and I need to learn things if we want to have success in life at all. Jim Rohn, a living legend in business philosophies, said: "Learning is the beginning of wealth; learning is the beginning of health; and learning is the beginning of spirituality." You cannot just get into business without learning. And especially the network marketing business, there is a different kind of learning involved. First of all, which is very important, is that you have to know if the company is long term. And the qualification of a long term company depends largely on the owners of that company. If you can get involved in a good networking company, you can plant your feet deep and go to work. The logic is always build long term.
I always tell my students in JASE Lectures, a lecture entity I founded back in the Philippines, "If you do not die in ten years you will live." That is so simple. But the fact behind the simplicity of the statement is deep. What would you do if you live ten years from now? What kind of life will you have at that time? Do you think you will be successful ten years from now if you do not do anything? Of course not.
In all businesses and very especially true with the MLM industry you get many people who will work for you down the road. These people, however, are also working for themselves. In network marketing everyone wants to have a better shot on life. It's very easy for people to get hundreds of downlines down the road. David Bass, my friend who is one of the top leaders of BPI Worldwide, had 50,000 people in the other company that he had business with. 50,000 is no small number. Yet, Ronnie Kirkland, a national consultant of Ambit Energy, had 700,000 customers in Excel Communication. But, look, Michael Kane of ACN has over 2,000,000 customers.
How we rejoice when we already have ten people on our downline. And our rejoicing grows when the ten becomes 1,000. Yes, they build over time. And the magic of thinking long term comes in here. You certainly will not have a thousand people in a month. But you can have that number maybe in two years. It all depends on how fast the people under you work.
What happens to your income if you get 50,000 people like David Bass? Your income will shoot to the roof, so to speak.
Guys, thinking long term is the way to go. But it is not that simple. You have to make it a conviction within you that you want to work a thing and really make it big. Make it a part of your sleeping moments. Make it an activity on your waking moments. Be motivated by the thought. Think of it every moment of the day. Life is built up whether you build it or not. What I mean by this is if you do not do anything your life gets built up old, sick, poor, and nothing. If you do something and work hard long term, you will be able to build a good life ahead of you.
You and I must learn to build long term.
If you want to be a part of SuperMindsSystems, you have to be 17 to 22 years old. Send me an email at
Youth call this Saturday, 605-990-0700, pin- 847573#, at 10:30 PM.
Friday, August 17, 2007

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007

In picture: The Ayudtud Kids, l-r- Chin, Chic, Jones, Juven, Damariz, (Twinkle, the baby, not in picture. She was in St. Louis, MO when this picture was taken.)
Doing things continously over time leads you to a burnout. In the Filipino language we call it: "Nakakasawa." Nakakasawa is the attrition principle in English. To explain it, we come to dislike the things that we used to like, if they're all that we do. If you eat the same food over a period of time, it becomes almost natural that you loathe that kind of food even though in the beginning you liked it so much. This attrition principle is so real and happens all the time. And it happens to all things and to all people.
While there are many lessons that we can learn over the transitions and the changes that almost always naturally happen in our lives, we must also guard ourselves against our own personal attrition rates. Our own personal attrition is so compelling that it will cheat us out of achieving our successes that may already be closer to realization. How many times have we've caught ourselves wanting to quit on what we are doing, which in the beginning we really loved to do it? But the reason why we did not quit was because we knew that we cannot live without it. Feelings of disgust sometimes ruin our joys and ruin our relationship with our family, not to mention our relationship with people in general because we feel like we are no longer excited with life. We oftentimes say, "Oh, if there's just something else that I can do!"
There are things in our life that it's alright to quit on them; however, there are things that are so important that even if we have gotten so tired doing them we cannot stop. No matter how difficult the times, we cannot stop taking care of ourselves. Some jobs require people to wake up very early in the morning. To get up after just a few hours of sleep is so uncomfortable, but what can you do? You cannot not go to work. We cannot quit on our family. We cannot quit on life.
That down syndrome moments in our lives where we felt like nothing good is working in the system that we got plugged in must be guarded against. Most of the things that we easily quit on have to do with our dreams. If someone had told you that life was easy, that person lied to you. If someone did tell you that success is a piece of cake, that someone did not really care about you. You were told a deception in the highest order. So, if you got plugged in to a system that had a promise to materialize your dreams you got to guard against your personal attrition rate. If some people have succeeded, you too could succeed! Why it's not happening to you now is because you are still in the learning process, you are new to the system, and you may have already worked out the system but the system has not yet worked out for you. You should be persistent, you should disregard your emotions, you should keep doing what were required of the system for your attaining the success.
A story is told in the book, "Think And Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill, about a man from Pennsylvania who went to the West during the gold boom era to get his share of the gold. He bought the equipments and dug the place where all signs showed there was much gold in it. He dug and dug but the veins of the gold had stopped. And there was no gold to be seen. He dug more and more. Still there was no sign of gold. Finally, he quit digging. A farmer bought his equipments, and he, distraught, returned home. Then the farmer went back to the hole and dug some more. In just a foot deeper into the hole the gold, much gold, appeared.
There is only one way to become rich in this world and that is to have your own business. Whatever business you are in right now has a promise in the future to make you wealthy. Are you going to be successful right away? No. It takes six years to see success in business. Are you going to have some tough times? Yes. Will you have some moments that you will feel like quitting? Yes. Will there be moments that you will argue in your mind that there could never be another way that you can do to succeed? Yes. So, at that time, it will therefore make a sense for you to quit. The Pennsylvania man thought that there was no gold in the hole he was digging in. It became clear to his mind that the future efforts and investments that he would put in would just be a waste. He convinced himself that he was a failure. But his thoughts were only imagination of failure. The fact was, there was the gold waiting for him to see one more foot deeper. Had he dugged more, he could have found what he dreamed of finding.
You may be engaged in a wealth building process right now as you're reading this. You may be convinced that all is hopeless. If you have seen others succeeded in the same thing that you are doing, this means that the system works. What you have now is the attrition rate principle. This means that you are convincing yourself that this thing is not working for you. You must be saying to yourself that it is only working for other people but not with you. If you convinced yourself that the thing is not really working for you, it will only make sense to yourself that you should quit. But what will happen if you quit? It means that you have quit on your dreams.
Success is never easy. Only 3% of the people in the world go to the top. It's not easy to go to the top.
There's so much personal attrition rate happening in people's emotions. You and I must guard ourselves from being a victim, not of failure but of the attrition rate.
If you will just go on and never quit, you will see that success is waiting for you.
Are you engaged in a business that has a promise of great success ahead of you? Do not quit. Give yourself six years. 80% of that six years is success.
If you are interested to participate in the SuperMindsSystems mentoring, send me an email at
Saturday, August 4, 2007

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007

Remember to plug in the youth call, Saturday at 10:30PM, 605-990-0700, pin 847573#
No positive change is possible without a leap of faith. There is no guarantee that a new firm will unlock your potential and meet all of your expectations. That, of course, is largely in your hands. Once you find a firm better suited to your personality, practice area interests or career aspirations, the effort, enthusiasm and commitment you bring to that new opportunity will determine your professional future. Inertia is a powerful force, and it takes real effort to overcome the familiar. On the other hand, the momentum that can be unleashed with a new beginning can be profound. Define your goals, face your fears, and take a leap. A year from now, it won't be the same old grind, and the grass may indeed be greener.
Control your destiny or someone else will
Change before you have to
Face reality as it is
Be candid with everyone
Don't manage, lead
If you don't have a competitive edge, don't compete
Commitment is Your Personal Guarantee of a Specific Reality in the Future. It is not a game for bystanders or mere witnesses of events, but rather it is for those who can define events and Make Things Happen.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
In picture: Lloyd Luna, sitting, is seen here autographing his book, "Is There A Job Waiting For You?". This book became bestseller in the National Book Store list in the Philippines. In one of its pages, my picture appears as Lloyd Luna's mentor.
I teach the "PLAN, DO, REVIEW" approach in life. I also include "E.R.O." and that means: Event, Response, Outcome. Life is an event, which solicits for a response. And you can wait for the outcome. I say, "Do not wait for events to happen. You create events." Events that occur in your life may vary, and how you respond to them determines the kind of outcome they yield to you. It's important that you create your own events. And so, it's important that you plan what you want to do, which is an event, and you do that plan. After the doing of your plan, you review everything to see whether or not you are on the right track. No matter how much you plan, and no matter how many plan you will make, if you do not do them, nothing is going to happen.
It is important that you upgrade. You may say, "I will upgrade when I get the money." Yes, I do understand that. You cannot do anything without money. But you cannot get the money if you do not upgrade yourself first. You upgrade your thoughts, you upgrade your belief system, you upgrade your actions, you upgrade your vision, you upgrade your outlook. Then, you will be able to get more money. When that happens, you will be able to upgrade your lifestyle.
Do not be content in what you have now, or in what you are doing right now. If you are content, then you will not change. If you keep on doing what you have been doing for years now, you will keep on getting what you have been getting for many years now. Do not expect that things will drastically change for the better. Chances are, loses have more chances to happen to you than gains or improvements.
But if you upgrade your sight, and you set your aim higher and bigger, then you will get lifted up to a higher places. What you aim for is what you will get. Aim bigger. Aim higher. Upgrade!
What you need is to read a book that will build you up. Go to the seminar that teaches you personal development. Get into a conference call where people discuss about success and business. For example, if you plug in to the SuperMindsSystems youth call, you cannot help yourself but be bolstered and be encouraged.
So many new things in life that we need to know. There are thousands upon thousands of opportunity in the world. There are tons of home-based businesses around. You can easily change your life in the next three or five years if you will just get involved in the activity that has a potential to change you. But if you do not get involved, then you do not have any hope.
To upgrade yourself, you must change your thinking. Learn to be upward spiral. Resist the downward spiral tendency. Do not say, "Life is hard." Your subconscious mind will convince you that it is. Say, "I will make it! I will change my life for the better! I will be rich! I will become a millionaire!" Then, your subconscious mind will convince you that you will become all these.
Be an upward spiral person. Listen to my mentoring every Saturday night on the SuperMindsSystems youth call and you will learn how to be an upward spiral person.
If you are interested to become a member of the SuperMindsSystems, you must be within these age ranges: 17 to 22 years old. However, everybody is welcome to listen to the youth call, even if you are 99 years old. You may email me at if you need more information about SMS. Thanks. This is Dr. John Ayudtud
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Saturday, July 14, 2007

A person who never works and do anything, I mean, never acts on anything, perhaps it's all because he has food to eat and money to spend, will live from childhood to adulthood, will grow to full maturity in the physical form, but will never amount to anything. This kind of a person will only live but will never accomplish anything in life. If there are people like this, I am sure there are not so many of them. Everyone alive has got to do something to live, even though he or she may be very very rich.
Every adult individual is the sum-total of all his activities in his childhood to the present. He is what his thoughts had been, and what his actions were all about. All of us are the some total of all of our activities over the past years up to the present. Why we have not attained such a success that others have attained is because of the kind of activities that we had over the past. If all our actions dealt with successes that added up to this day, we would be blowing up with all kinds of successes today. Why we have not attained success is because we have done poorly in all our activities through the years. Many people are trapped in a poor salary job, and through the years they have simply reaped the result of that poor salary. Many people contented themselves in working a job, never ventured into a profit making activity, and now they are old. Their activities over the past years added up but never built them up to make them wealthy.
I want to interfere in the activities of the young people today because I know that if their actions are not channeled into proper activities that will make them wealthy over the years, they will get old poor and in poverty. I must go to where they are at and sit down with them in discussion about the kinds of activities that they should do. Proper activity is productivity. The youth will not prosper over the years if their activities are not geared into the channel that will produce wealth. I take the initiative to talk to the young people that I meet on a daily basis and get them interested into the SuperMindsSystems so that if they become interested I get them into doing the proper activities that will usher them into the channel where their future has the chances to build much wealth and prosperity. I get them into doing the activities that right now may be little yer over time they will add up and will trigger wealth building materials and the factors to breakthrough wealth and prosperity will be all over the surroundings. In other words, little efforts that are wealth oriented will add up over time and these young people get into the channel where the end result will just be wealth and prosperity. I want these young people to become multi-millionaires and maybe billionaires.
Right now, I am simply on the course. And I will not be moved out of this course. I'm steady and I am being guided by my God on the daily basis. I can say that the young people that get into my program and mentoring are God-sent. I am fulfilling God's plan in my life and that is to be the WMGA, the worldwide man of God's anwers. So, I do not worry nor fret. I keep my activities constant and consistent and well-focused to my goal. Someday soon, this thing will build up. What I do now, though small, will add up and will build up.
If you are a young person that wants to be successful early on in life and would like to participate in the SuperMindsSystems, I want you to send me an email at
Wednesday, July 11, 2007